Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-8: Scheduled and Nonscheduled Air Freight and Mail Enplaned: 2006

(Short tons)

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State Freight Mail
Scheduled Nonscheduled Scheduled Nonscheduled
Alabama 28,358 31,274 26 0
Alaska 551,277 181,741 3,491 854
Arizona 136,336 8,647 21,931 0
Arkansas 12,195 247 77 0
California 1,327,086 139,126 88,090 9,877
Colorado 119,412 17,223 11,169 339
Connecticut 77,652 3,376 3,448 1,250
Delaware 0 28,968 0 0
District of Columbia 109,784 383 5,885 0
Florida 608,816 198,645 38,408 0
Georgia 264,068 45,327 3,741 0
Hawaii 134,488 57,312 7,723 2,188
Idaho 24,031 4 183 51
Illinois 489,673 84,573 58,533 0
Indiana 593,553 62,303 2,574 1,413
Iowa 71,683 517 317 0
Kansas 15,161 650 1 0
Kentucky 1,120,183 10,574 7,866 57
Louisiana 38,760 3,851 38 0
Maine 5,014 3,363 2 0
Maryland 49,095 4,746 5,924 0
Massachusetts 115,585 12,652 7,494 0
Michigan 123,655 2,846 3,841 0
Minnesota 128,961 20,571 4,699 1
Mississippi 5,009 37 5 0
Missouri 109,977 24,643 7,314 0
Montana 20,026 49 93 0
Nebraska 35,147 547 592 0
Nevada 69,947 11,429 10,480 0
New Hampshire 40,318 889 142 0
New Jersey 373,173 16,612 25,210 29,198
New Mexico 50,669 100 854 0
New York 249,617 134,572 42,368 1,595
North Carolina 131,809 24,635 8,925 0
North Dakota 8,652 57 0 0
Ohio 353,472 320,297 4,951 6
Oklahoma 37,517 528 1,119 0
Oregon 103,169 12,328 3,561 12
Pennsylvania 358,689 18,319 13,478 0
Puerto Rico 119,060 6,828 2,133 192
Rhode Island 4,741 3,753 0 0
South Carolina 81,280 25,488 57 0
South Dakota 21,047 25 0 0
Tennessee 2,080,327 32,015 2,367 5,210
Texas 606,417 70,319 44,035 1
Utah 81,306 4,906 4,827 208
Vermont 4,096 40 1 0
Virginia 44,358 1,244 14 0
Washington 183,591 21,746 9,429 60
West Virginia 735 38 0 0
Wisconsin 50,104 4,412 3,951 0
Wyoming 1,742 0 108 0
United States, total 11,370,819 1,654,777 461,474 52,511

NOTES: Shipments by foreign carriers and intrastate shipments are excluded. Shipments destined for foreign airports and by small certificated and commuter carriers are included.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information, special tabulation, February 26, 2008.

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