Table 1-12: Airport Enplanements by State and Air Carrier Category: 2006,,,, ,,,, State,Large certificated air carriers,Commuter and small certificated air carriers,Foreign air carriers,Total enplanements Alabama,"2,596,660 ","64,446 ",7 ,"2,661,113 " Alaska,"2,920,307 ","1,439,228 ","48,338 ","4,407,873 " Arizona,"22,601,396 ","175,592 ","253,272 ","23,030,260 " Arkansas,"1,894,982 ","53,525 ",43 ,"1,948,550 " California,"78,023,160 ","12,222 ","9,003,255 ","87,038,637 " Colorado,"24,212,369 ","288,368 ","340,914 ","24,841,651 " Connecticut,"3,333,535 ","80,510 ","33,689 ","3,447,734 " Delaware,"9,545 ",13 ,0 ,"9,558 " District of Columbia1,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 Florida,"60,036,297 ","1,474,461 ","5,087,950 ","66,598,708 " Georgia,"41,777,479 ","260,371 ","566,853 ","42,604,703 " Hawaii,"14,586,346 ","370,907 ","1,413,669 ","16,370,922 " Idaho,"1,988,752 ","32,496 ",43 ,"2,021,291 " Illinois,"44,687,681 ","47,250 ","2,289,097 ","47,024,028 " Indiana,"4,824,069 ","57,150 ","12,155 ","4,893,374 " Iowa,"1,575,884 ","26,995 ",0 ,"1,602,879 " Kansas,"732,592 ","42,547 ",45 ,"775,184 " Kentucky,"10,249,010 ","71,332 ","37,257 ","10,357,599 " Louisiana,"4,371,988 ","97,885 ","3,961 ","4,473,834 " Maine,"988,209 ","46,424 ",259 ,"1,034,892 " Maryland,"10,028,101 ","132,053 ","207,028 ","10,367,182 " Massachusetts,"12,135,297 ","500,867 ","1,266,742 ","13,902,906 " Michigan,"19,824,957 ","115,994 ","190,815 ","20,131,766 " Minnesota,"17,525,179 ",6 ,"56,775 ","17,581,960 " Mississippi,"1,234,752 ","17,030 ",7 ,"1,251,789 " Missouri,"12,805,521 ","142,171 ","31,190 ","12,978,882 " Montana,"1,394,668 ","57,280 ",45 ,"1,451,993 " Nebraska,"2,249,257 ","59,002 ",274 ,"2,308,533 " Nevada,"23,620,623 ","153,161 ","826,949 ","24,600,733 " New Hampshire,"1,903,083 ","54,386 ","9,506 ","1,966,975 " New Jersey,"16,746,225 ","1,914 ","1,532,323 ","18,280,462 " New Mexico,"3,148,942 ","81,619 ",0 ,"3,230,561 " New York,"35,017,401 ","1,084,396 ","6,565,392 ","42,667,189 " North Carolina,"20,668,334 ","805,555 ","108,087 ","21,581,976 " North Dakota,"653,855 ","11,832 ",0 ,"665,687 " Ohio,"10,704,706 ","269,270 ","31,476 ","11,005,452 " Oklahoma,"3,450,183 ","1,878 ",80 ,"3,452,141 " Oregon,"7,737,433 ","3,680 ","136,514 ","7,877,627 " Pennsylvania,"20,204,793 ","1,326,523 ","367,758 ","21,899,074 " Rhode Island,"2,536,554 ","57,499 ","10,284 ","2,604,337 " South Carolina,"2,970,940 ","166,563 ",57 ,"3,137,560 " South Dakota,"636,063 ","10,829 ",0 ,"646,892 " Tennessee,"11,370,761 ","174,521 ","16,226 ","11,561,508 " Texas,"68,393,249 ","515,232 ","1,016,365 ","69,924,846 " Utah,"10,381,906 ","22,777 ","3,194 ","10,407,877 " Vermont,"613,385 ","66,059 ",9 ,"679,453 " Virginia,"22,645,578 ","575,460 ","1,427,185 ","24,648,223 " Washington,"16,423,926 ","117,451 ","407,147 ","16,948,524 " West Virginia,"239,215 ","116,820 ",44 ,"356,079 " Wisconsin,"4,942,623 ","552,875 ","15,209 ","5,510,707 " Wyoming,"381,577 ","95,362 ",7 ,"476,946 " "United States, total (excl. U.S. territories)","683,999,348 ","11,931,787 ","33,317,495 ","729,248,630 " "United States, total (incl. U.S. territories)","691,241,535 ","12,459,554 ","34,029,041 ","737,730,130 " ,,,, 1 Reagan National is both legally and geographically a part of Virginia.,,,, "NOTE: Enplanements consist of all persons boarding a flight other than passengres or crew. In previous years the source of the data for this table was the FAA, which provides information on Air Taxi operators. The current table uses data from the Office of Airline Information which does not collect data on Air Taxi operators. General aviation passengers are also excluded from the data.",,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information, T100 Market data, Washington, DC: various years. Data as of April 2, 2008.",,,,