
Within one human lifetime, the prairies have passed from wilderness to become the most altered habitat in this country and one of the most disturbed, ecologically simplified and overexploited regions in the world. The essence of what we risk losing when the grasslands are destroyed is not a species here or a species there, but a quality of life, the largeness and wildness that made this country remarkable.

Dr. Adrian Forsyth
"The End of Emptiness"

Resources on Prairies
Search 140 Results Within Resources on Prairies
Showing 100 of 140
'Matua' Prairie Grass
From "'Matua' Prairie Grass": "Early spring, mid summer, and late fall are periods in Virginia where there is frequently low forage productivity. A forage crop that could stretch the grazing season by providing additional high quality feed in early...
America's Endangered Ecosystems: A Status Report on America's Vanishing Habitat and Wildlife
The summary of a research study, this report identifies the 21 most endangered ecosystems in the United States, based upon 4 factors: extent of decline; present area (rarity); imminence of threat; and number of federally listed threatened or...
America's Northern Plains: An Overview and Assessment of Natural Resources
A general overview of the region's basic natural land resources and their sustainability over time and the external forces which are likely to affect those resources.
An Assessment of Exotic Plant Species of Rocky Mountain National Park
Lists and assesses the potential ecological impacts of the known exotic plant species occurring in Rocky Mountain National Park.
An Element on the Move
An Element on the Move is an interactive game where the user is in charge of one atom of carbon. The atom of carbon can be moved from atmospheric gases to waterways, plants, animals, volcanoes, sediment, and more. The player learns terminology to...
Baird's Sparrow Status Assessment and Conservation Plan
An executive summary of the baird's sparrow status assessment and conservation plan. Details about this bird as a grassland specialist endemic to the northern Great Plains, population declines, breeding distribution, federal status, habitat loss and...
Big Sky Carbon Sequestration Partnership
The Big Sky Carbon Sequestration Partnership is developing a framework to address carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions that contribute to climate change and to determine the most suitable technologies, regulations, and infrastructure needs for carbon...
Bird Conservation Region 11: Prairie Potholes
This site provides an overview of the prairie pothole region, its importance to waterfowl, and threats to its existence. Also included are links to important bird areas in the region.
Build-A-Prairie, presented by Bell LIVE!
In this interactive eco-game, children restore a healthy prairie by choosing the right plants and animals. The game could be used in the classroom.
Byron Hatchery Watchable Wildlife Area
From the site: "Byron Hatchery Watchable Wildlife Area (WWA) is a destination on the Great Plains Trail and showcases three different habitats in a 40-acre area. Byron WWA includes a 1/2-mile self-guided trail through a cat-tail marsh, forested swamp...

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Datasets for Prairies
Search 11 Results Within Datasets for Prairies
Showing 11 of 11
"Listed" Species in the Great Plains of North America and their Occurrence on National Grasslands
A consolidated list of animal and plant species experiencing declines and threats, commonly called endangered, threatened, species of special concern, rare. Administered by the U.S. Forest Service, National Grasslands comprise 1.5 million ha (gross...
Acoustic Monitoring of Night-Migrating Birds: A Progress Report (2)
This paper discusses an emerging methodology that uses electronic technology to monitor vocalizations of night-migrating birds. On a good migration night in eastern North America, thousands of call notes may be recorded from a single ground-based,...
Countryside Survey 2000
As described on the Web site: Countryside Survey 2000 (CS2000) is a major audit of the British countryside. It has involved both detailed field observations and satellite imagery which has provided a complete land cover census for Great Britain and...
Earthtrends: The Environmental Information Portal
This site contains a plethora of information on biodiversity topics related to botany, among others.
As described on the Web site: FLUXNET is a global collection of micrometeorological flux measurement sites, which measure the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor and energy between the biosphere and atmosphere. At present over 200 sites are...
GIS Digital Boundary Datasets
As described on the Web site: The GIS Digital Boundary Datasets held by English Nature are now becoming available for downloading via the Internet. The data is suitable for use in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Other digital data, such as...
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
This site contains information on many topics related to agronomy such as soil management, field crops, range and forage, and wildlife management.
Invasive Species of the CSWGC Region
The Central Southwest / Gulf Coast Region includes many different ecosystems ranging from humid, semi-tropical coastal swamps to arid, mountainous areas. Because of this, the region contains a large number of invasive species including species with a...
National Vegetation Survey Databank
As described on the Web site: The National Vegetation Survey Databank (NVS - 'Nivs') is a physical archive and computer databank containing records from approximately 45,000 vegetation survey plots--including data from over 12,000 permanent plots. NVS...
PrairieMap is a geospatial data clearinghouse supporting research, management, and conservation of prairie grassland ecosystems in western North America. Data availble for download include: wildlife, transportation, landcover, vegetation, land...

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Additional NBII Resources on Prairies

MPIN logo

As its name would imply, the NBII's Mountain Prairie Information Node encompasses several states that were once part of the vast North American prairie system, and which contain some of the last remnants of native prairie habitats.

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Office of the U.S. Geological Survey
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