Patents > Office of Patent Legal Administration > Comments Received > Comments on Changes to Information Disclosure Statement Requirements and Other Related Matters

Prior to September 27, 2006, the organizations and persons listed below have submitted comments in response to the Changes to Information Disclosure Statement Requirements and Other Related Matters, Notice of proposed rule making, first published in the Federal Register at 71 Fed. Reg. 38808 (July 10, 2006) and then published in the Official Gazette at 1309 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 25 (August 1, 2006).

It is hoped that the public will review this list of comments submitted prior to September 27, 2006, to determine if it is complete. If any person or organization has submitted comments prior to September 27, 2006, but it is not included in this listing, please submit the comment by electronic mail message to Hiram.Bernstein@uspto.gov, or contact Hiram H. Bernstein, Senior Legal Advisor, by telephone at (571) 272-7707.

The comments below are grouped into the following categories: intellectual property organizations and government agencies, corporations and associations, and individuals. Each comment is attributed to the individual submitting the comment unless the comment indicates it is made on behalf of an organization.

Please note that the following documents are provided as submitted by persons and organizations but may contain spelling corrections, artifacts of scanning, OCR, or document format conversion.

A. Intellectual Property Organizations and Government Agencies

  1. American Bar Association Section of Intellectual Property Law [PDF]
  2. American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) [PDF]
  3. Bar Association of the District of Columbia, PTC Section [PDF]
  4. Financial Services Industry Intellectual Property Association (FSIIPA) [PDF]
  5. Intellectual Property Owners Association [PDF]
  6. Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) [PDF]
  7. Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA) [PDF]
  8. Minnesota Intellectual Property Law Association (MIPLA) [PDF]
  9. New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA) [PDF]
  10. State Bar of California, Intellectual Property Law Section, Commission on Patent Rule Proposals [PDF]

B. Corporations and Associations

  1. 3M Innovative Properties Company [PDF]
  2. Amgen [PDF]
  4. Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) [PDF]
  5. Colgate-Palmolive Company [PDF]
  6. Eastman Kodak Company [PDF]
  7. Genentech, Inc. [PDF]
  8. GlaxoSmithKline [PDF]
  9. IBM Corporation [PDF]
  10. Insurance IP Bulletin [PDF]
  11. Intellectual Ventures, LLC [PDF]
  12. Microsoft Corporation [PDF]
  13. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) [PDF]
  14. Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) [PDF]
  15. University of California, Office of the General Counsel [PDF]
  16. ZymoGenetics, Inc. [PDF]

C. Law Firms

  1. Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C. [PDF]
  2. Lerner, David, Littenberg, Krunholz & Mentlik, LLP [PDF]
  3. McCracken & Frank, LLP [PDF]
  4. Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, PC [PDF]
  5. Tillman Wright, PLLC [PDF]

D. Individuals

  1. Anonymous [PDF]
  2. Adams, Thomas [PDF]
  3. Alderucci, Dean [PDF]
  4. Baker, Daniel [PDF]
  5. Bennett, Sid and Curtis, Tony [PDF]
  6. Berg, Richard and Eastham, R. Dabney [PDF]
  7. Berridge, William [PDF]
  8. Cahill, Steven [PDF]
  9. Callaghan, Terry [PDF]
  10. Craig, Anthony [PDF]
  11. Dugan, Brian [PDF]
  12. Godici, Nicholas [PDF]
  13. Gritzmacher, Christine [PDF]
  14. Hanson, Sven [PDF]
  15. Heimlich, Alan [PDF]
  16. Hoffberg, Steven [PDF]
  17. Hollaar, Lee [PDF]
  18. Jocke, Ralph [PDF]
  19. Lewis, David [PDF]
  20. Maag, Robert [PDF]
  21. McMahon, Ned [PDF]
  22. Miller, Jerry [PDF]
  23. Miller, Leslie et al. (Includes Crowe, Lawrence; Heinisch, Andrew; Makeever, Jeffery; Manghera, Peter; Okey, David and Wingate, Kevin) [PDF]
  24. Parmelee, Christopher [PDF]
  25. Pedersen, Brad [PDF]
  26. Rezek, Richard [PDF]
  27. Schalnat, Ria Farrell [PDF]
  28. Steinkraus, Walter [PDF]
  29. Svensson, Leanord [PDF]
  30. Telfer, Gordon [PDF]
  31. Walker, Russell [PDF]
  32. Wendorf, Scott [PDF]
  33. Wigmore, Steven [PDF]
  34. Williams, Gary [PDF]

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