Table 6-3: Water Transportation Establishments and Employment: 2005,,, ,,, State,Number of establishments,Number of employees,Annual payroll ($ thousands) Alabama,24,444,"23,159" Alaska,71,698,"44,355" Arizona,4,W,W Arkansas,5,W,W California,138,"5,433","344,492" Colorado,2,W,W Connecticut,29,770,"65,185" Delaware,10,W,W District of Columbia,1,W,W Florida,253,"13,087","815,220" Georgia,29,288,"14,837" Hawaii,23,707,"53,584" Idaho,1,W,W Illinois,44,W,W Indiana,8,W,W Iowa,7,W,W Kansas,3,W,W Kentucky,28,W,W Louisiana,325,"11,145","553,671" Maine,17,W,W Maryland,41,818,"40,978" Massachusetts,50,W,W Michigan,37,478,"33,259" Minnesota,16,W,W Mississippi,21,786,"35,882" Missouri,13,W,W Montana,1,W,W Nebraska,1,W,W Nevada,3,W,W New Hampshire,4,W,W New Jersey,85,"2,346","140,802" New Mexico,0,0,0 New York,145,"3,353","202,545" North Carolina,24,W,W North Dakota,0,0,0 Ohio,34,"1,120","64,062" Oklahoma,5,W,W Oregon,20,"1,180","64,263" Pennsylvania,27,942,"37,827" Rhode Island,13,W,W South Carolina,19,170,"7,105" South Dakota,0,0,0 Tennessee,16,"2,226","108,358" Texas,154,"4,925","272,692" Utah,2,W,W Vermont,6,W,W Virginia,55,"2,102","146,535" Washington,112,"3,248","197,760" West Virginia,9,306,"11,650" Wisconsin,8,W,W Wyoming,3,W,W "United States, total1","1,946","65,483","3,731,909" ,,, 1Values for states not reported individually are included in U.S. totals.,,, ,,, KEY: W = data withheld to avoid disclosure.,,, ,,, "NOTES: The Water Transportation subsector (NAICS 483) includes industries providing water transportation of passengers and cargo using water craft, such as ships, barges, and boats. The subsector is composed of two industry groups: one for deep sea, coastal, and Great Lakes; and one for inland water transportation. This split typically reflects the difference in equipment used. These data do not include scenic and sightseeing water transportation services (NAICS 4872) and support activities for water transportation (NAICS 4883). ",,, ,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 2005 County Business Patterns, Washington, DC: 2007, available at as of Nov. 15, 2007.",,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,