Table 2-23: Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Incidents: 2006,,,, ,,,, State,Number of incidents,Number of fatalities,Number of injuries,Property damage2 (dollars) Alabama,2,0,0,"206,284" Alaska,0,0,0,0 Arizona,0,0,0,0 Arkansas,0,0,0,0 California,15,0,0,"5,611,135" Colorado,3,0,0,"256,696" Connecticut,0,0,0,0 Delaware,0,0,0,0 District of Columbia,0,0,0,0 Florida,0,0,0,0 Georgia,2,0,0,"190,200" Hawaii,0,0,0,0 Idaho,0,0,0,0 Illinois,4,0,0,"1,190,602" Indiana,1,0,0,"195,040" Iowa,1,0,0,"87,670" Kansas,8,0,2,"3,736,496" Kentucky,0,0,0,0 Louisiana,9,0,0,"2,887,232" Maine,0,0,0,0 Maryland,0,0,0,0 Massachusetts,0,0,0,0 Michigan,4,0,0,"442,700" Minnesota,3,0,0,"4,258,876" Mississippi,1,0,0,"78,447" Missouri,0,0,0,0 Montana,0,0,0,0 Nebraska,2,0,0,"179,620" Nevada,0,0,0,0 New Hampshire,0,0,0,0 New Jersey,1,0,0,"101,725" New Mexico,3,0,0,"571,320" New York,0,0,0,0 North Carolina,1,0,0,"6,000" North Dakota,1,0,0,"514,905" Ohio,4,0,0,"1,032,138" Oklahoma,11,0,0,"7,033,970" Oregon,0,0,0,0 Pennsylvania,1,0,0,"6,000" Rhode Island,0,0,0,0 South Carolina,0,0,0,0 South Dakota,0,0,0,0 Tennessee,1,0,0,"862,000" Texas,30,0,0,"4,790,265" Utah,0,0,0,0 Vermont,0,0,0,0 Virginia,1,0,0,"5,500,000" Washington,0,0,0,0 West Virginia,0,0,0,0 Wisconsin,0,0,0,0 Wyoming,1,0,0,"231,000" "United States, total1",115,0,2,"54,955,798" ,,,, "1 Incidents that have an ""unknown"" location are included in the U.S. total (5 incidents,. $14,985,477 in property damage)",,,, "2 The property damage category includes public and private property damage, value of product loss, and the value of operator property damage. It does not include the costs of emergency response, environmental remediation, other operator costs, and other public costs.",,,, ,,,, NOTES: Historical totals may change as the Office of Pipeline Safety receives supplemental information on incidents. ,,,, Incidents are reported on DOT Form 7000-1. An accident report is required for each failure in a pipeline system in which there is a release of the hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide transported resulting in any of the following:,,,, "1. Explosion or fire not intentionally set by the operator; 2. Loss of 5 or more gallons of hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide; 3. Escape to the atmosphere of more than 5 barrels (0.8 cubic meters) a day of highly volatile liquids; 4. Death of any person; 5. Bodily harm to any person resulting in: a. loss of consciousness; or b. necessity to carry the person from the scene; or c. necessity for medical treatment; or d. disability which prevents the discharge of normal duties or the pursuit of normal activities beyond the day of the accident; 6. Estimated property damage, including cost of clean-up and recovery, value of lost product, and damage to the property of the operator or others, or both, exceeding $50,000.",,,, ,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Office of Pipeline Safety, personal communication, Feb. 4, 2008.",,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,