Table 2-18: Alcohol Involvement in Recreational Boating Accidents: 2006,,,, ,,,, ,,Accidents with alcohol as a contributing factor,, State,Total number of accidents,Total number of accidents,Percent of state total,Persons killed Alabama,87,13,14.9,7 Alaska,48,6,12.5,5 Arizona,209,10,4.8,1 Arkansas,55,6,10.9,1 California,569,26,4.6,7 Colorado,44,3,6.8,3 Connecticut,42,1,2.4,0 Delaware,9,1,11.1,0 District of Columbia,1,0,0.0,0 Florida,633,28,4.4,11 Georgia,149,9,6.0,4 Hawaii,4,0,0.0,0 Idaho,74,11,14.9,4 Illinois,70,13,18.6,7 Indiana,51,2,3.9,0 Iowa,40,10,25.0,3 Kansas,39,1,2.6,1 Kentucky,65,10,15.4,5 Louisiana,119,10,8.4,2 Maine,56,0,0.0,0 Maryland,138,10,7.2,3 Massachusetts,46,1,2.2,1 Michigan,185,13,7.0,0 Minnesota,113,16,14.2,3 Mississippi,31,4,12.9,2 Missouri,175,21,12.0,8 Montana,16,3,18.8,1 Nebraska,33,3,9.1,3 Nevada,82,6,7.3,2 New Hampshire,79,6,7.6,0 New Jersey,84,6,7.1,4 New Mexico,34,1,2.9,0 New York,152,24,15.8,4 North Carolina,175,16,9.1,5 North Dakota,7,0,0.0,0 Ohio,111,17,15.3,5 Oklahoma,71,4,5.6,2 Oregon,47,0,0.0,0 Pennsylvania,56,8,14.3,11 Rhode Island,37,0,0.0,0 South Carolina,93,4,4.3,1 South Dakota,16,5,31.3,2 Tennessee,149,13,8.7,5 Texas,195,16,8.2,7 Utah,85,1,1.2,0, Vermont,1,0,0.0,0, Virginia,137,8,5.8,1, Washington,96,23,24.0,9, West Virginia,21,2,9.5,2, Wisconsin,99,9,9.1,4, Wyoming,19,3,15.8,2, "United States, total (excluding territories)","4,947",403,8.1,148, "United States, total (including territories)1","4,967",403,8.1,148, ,,,,, "1 Includes accidents in Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, and those occurring offshore.",,,,, ,,,,, NOTE: Data for 2006 is based on alcohol use by a boat’s occupants resulting directly or indirectly in an accident. Data in previous editions of this publication were based on accidents when there was evidence or reasonable likelihood that alcohol was consumed by a boat's occupants.,,,,, ,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard, Boating Statistics 2006, Washington, DC: 2007, available at as of Dec. 14, 2007.",,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,