Table 5-8 Commercial Vessel—Waterborne Transport Safety Data and Property Damage Resulting from Vessel Casualties,,,,, ,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006 Deaths ,61,58,53,64,64 Injuries ,182,263,233,169,348 Accidents," 3,658 "," 3,250 "," 3,232 "," 3,189 "," 3,675 " Vessels involved ," 6,263 "," 5,232 "," 6,330 "," 7,974 "," 7,896 " Property damage to vessels ,"$334,741,172 ","$126,709,033 ","$151,717,872 ","$170,192,689 ","$127,363,573 " "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Information Resources, Data Division, as of September 2006.",,,,, "NOTES: Fatalities include the number of people who died or were declared missing as the result of a marine casualty. Data in this table include only vessel related marine casualties verified as reportable under 46 Code of Federal Regulations 4.05. Data include incidents involving both U.S. and foreign-flag vessels in U.S. waters, but only incidents involving U.S. flag vessels outside U.S. waters. Incidents involving only a pollution release or personal injury without vessel involvement are not included. More than one vessel may be involved in a single marine casualty. Injuries and deaths resulting from existing medical condition, assault, homicide, suicide or self-inflicted injuries are not included. Incidents involving natural disasters are not included.",,,,, "• Marine accidents result in loss of life, injuries, and millions of dollars in property damage.",,,,,