"Table 5-1 Recreational Boating—Age of Fatality Victims and Injuries, 2006",,,,, Age of victim ,Drownings ,Other deaths ,Total fatalities ,Total injuries , 12 and under ,15,14,29,231, 13 - 19 ,39,23,62,628, 20 - 29 ,97,39,136,725, 30 - 39 ,78,31,109,570, 40 - 49 ,83,43,126,477, 50 - 59 ,66,36,102,333, 60 - 69 ,38,20,58,133, 70 - 79 ,28,16,44,42, 80 and Over ,7,1,8,9, Unknown ,23,13,36,326, Total ,474,236,710,"3,474", "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard, Boating Statistics, 2006; available at: http://www.uscgboating.org as of Mar. 24, 2008.",,,,, "• Most drowning victims whose ages were known were between the ages of 20 and 29, followed by the 40 to 49 age group.",,,,, "• The 20 to 29 age group also had the highest number of recreational boating injuries whose ages were known, followed by the 13 to 19 age group.",,,,, "• In 2006, most injuries occurred on open motorboats (1,863). Personal watercraft followed a distant second (919).",,,,