"Table 4-5 U.S. Public Port Capital Dredging Expenditures, 2005",,,, Improvement vs. Maintenance,,,, (thousands of dollars),,,, Region,Improvement,Maintenance,Total,Percent North Atlantic,"$20,862 ",$206 ,"$21,069 ",14.00% South Atlantic,"15,765","7,339","23,103",15.40% Gulf,"6,340","7,219","13,559",9.00% South Pacific,"90,896","1,392","92,288",61.50% North Pacific,0,4,4,0.00% Total,"$133,863 ","$16,160 ","$150,023 ",100.00% Percent,89.2%,10.8%,100.0%, NOTE: Totals may not add up due to rounding.,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, Office of Policy and Plans, personal communication, Aug. 27, 2007.",,,,