Table 2-9 The Types and the Number of Active Vessel Operating Common Carrier Agreements on File with the Federal Maritime Commission,,,,,, Fiscal Year Ending,Conference,Discussion,Vessel sharing ,Joint service,Cooperative ,Total 2000,23,47,148,14,19,251 2001,21,45,150,10,17,243 2002,20,48,151,8,18,245 2003,19,43,145,7,17,231 2004,15,40,157,6,14,232 2005,12,39,158,6,15,230 2006,8,37,148,7,19,219 "SOURCE: Federal Maritime Commission, Of?ce of Agreements, special tabulation, May, 30, 2007.",,,,,, "• Conference agreement – an agreement between or among two or more vessel operating common carriers that provides for the ?xing of, and adherence to, uniform tariff rates, charges, practices, and conditions of service.",,,,,, "• Discussion agreement – an agreement between or among two or more vessel operating common carriers for the discussion of matters of mutual interest, including in some instances, pricing and the conditions of service.",,,,,, "• Vessel sharing agreement – an agreement between any two or more vessel operating common carriers under which they agree to share, sell, or buy space on each other’s vessels.",,,,,, • Joint service agreement – an agreement between vessel operating common carriers operating as a joint venture.,,,,,, "• CWA – a cooperative working agreement in which exclusive, preferential, or cooperative working relationships are established. ",,,,,, • A current list and text of all active vessel operating common carrier agreements can be found at: ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,