"Table 1-7 Panama Canal Traffic by Type, FY2005-2007 ",,,,,,, Fiscal Year,Total Traffic,,,Traffic assessed tolls on net tonnage basis,,Traffic assessed tolls on displacement tonnage basis, ,Number of transits,Tolls,Long tons of cargo,Number of transits,Panama canal/UMS net tonnage,Number of transits,Displacement tonnage Oceangoing commercial traffic 1,,,,,,, 2005,"12,636","846,262,259","193,804,429","12,544","278,507,918",92,"456,297" 2006,"12,763","1,025,042,828","211,605,295","12,694","297,075,614",69,"391,169" 2007,"13,223","1,182,528,570","208,227,994","13,144","312,118,330",79,"475,297" Free oceangoing traffic 2,,,,,,, 2005,11,0,0,0,0,11,"22,668" 2006,8,0,0,0,0,8,"19,859" 2007,11,0,0,0,0,11,"24,457" Total oceangoing traffic 3,,,,,,, 2005,"12,647","846,262,259","193,804,429","12,544","278,507,918",103,"478,965" 2006,"12,771","1,025,042,828","211,605,295","12,694","297,075,614",77,"411,028" 2007,"13,234","1,182,528,570","208,227,994","13,144","312,118,330",90,"499,754" Small commercial traffic 1,,,,,,, 2005," 1,355 "," 1,303,544 "," 35,866 "," 1,306 "," 491,211 ", 49 ," 30,046 " 2006," 1,413 "," 1,356,011 ", 929 ," 1,388 "," 516,369 ", 25 ," 19,567 " 2007," 1,480 "," 1,400,638 "," 3,578 "," 1,430 "," 530,804 ", 50 ," 24,270 " Small free traffic 2,,,,,,, 2005,9,0,0,6,"3,498",3,"3,144" 2006,10,0,0,6,"3,498",4,"2,970" 2007,7,0,0,4,"2,332",3,"3,144" Total small traffic 4,,,,,,, 2005,"1,364","1,303,544","35,866","1,312","494,709",52,"33,190" 2006,"1,423","1,356,011",929,"1,394","519,867",29,"22,537" 2007,"1,487","1,400,638","3,578","1,434","533,136",53,"27,414" Total panama canal traffic,,,,,,, 2005,"14,011","847,565,803","193,840,295","13,856","279,002,627",155,"512,155" 2006,"14,194","1,026,398,839","211,606,224","14,088","297,595,481",106,"433,565" 2007,"14,721","1,183,929,208","208,231,572","14,578","312,651,466",143,"527,168" "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, derived from data published by the Office of Market Research and Analysis, Panama Canal Authority, available at http://www.pancanal.com/eng/maritime/reports/table01.pdf as of Mar. 4, 2008. ",,,,,,, "Long ton - a measure of weight equal to 2,240 pounds or 1,016 kilograms. ",,,,,,, "Panama Canal/Universal Measurement System (PC/UMS) - the tonnage measurement system used by the Panama Canal, following the rules of the 1969 International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, when assessing tolls.",,,,,,, "* The tonnage measurement system for Panama Canal tolls assessment, the Panama Canal/Universal Measurement System (PC/UMS). This amount also includes the conversion of the number of TEU that transited the Canal. ",,,,,,, "1 As of Jan. 1, 2000, vessels categorized as commercial include those previously categorized as U.S. Government vessels. ",,,,,,, 2 Free traffic includes ships of the Colombian and Panamanian Governments and ships transiting for repairs by the Panama Canal Authority. ,,,,,,, "3 Oceangoing vessels are those paying tolls greater than the minimum tariffs implemented on June 1, 1998. ",,,,,,, "4 Vessels assessed minimum toll amounts as established by criteria implemented on June 1, 1998. ",,,,,,,