Boards & Counsel > OED > Registration Info & Status > Collection of Practitioners' E-Mail Addresses

Notice of Collection of Practitioners’ E-mail Addresses

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (Office) is undertaking to collect Internet e-mail addresses for each registered patent attorney and patent agent. Gathering these e-mail addresses will facilitate and increase the ability of the Office to communicate with registered practitioners. The Office anticipates implementing automated notifications to registered practitioners of notices and IT system alerts. The Office also anticipates informing and inviting registered practitioners to attend conferences and other events the Office may hold in their areas. Availability of current Internet e-mail addresses will facilitate sending communications to registered practitioners with information of a non-confidential nature.

The e-mail information will be maintained in an electronic database of the roster. To reduce occasions for spam and unwanted electronic communications, the e-mail addresses will not be published, viewable by the public on line, or otherwise made available to the public.

The Office is in the process of implementing 37 CFR § 11.11, under which each “registered practitioner must notify the OED Director of up to three e-mail addresses where he or she receives e-mail.” The Office of Enrollment and Discipline’s database is now capable of storing and associating each practitioner’s name and registration number with up to three e-mail addresses for each practitioner. By this notice, practitioners are being requested to provide up to three e-mail addresses where they can receive communications from the Office.

The collection of e-mail addresses is being implemented using a two-step process. The first step is for a practitioner to send an e-mail addressed to
PractitionerE-mailAddresses@USPTO.GOV with the following information in the following sequence in plain text: the practitioner’s last name, first name and middle name; the practitioner’s registration number; and up to three e-mail addresses for the practitioner. The first e-mail address can be up to 129 characters, the second and third addresses combined can have no more than a total of 125 characters. Semicolons should separate multiple e-mail addresses from each other. The e-mail sending the addresses must be sent from one of the three furnished addresses.

The second step is for the practitioner to send a confirmation letter addressed to Mail Stop OED, United States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, Virginia, 22313-1450. In the confirmation letter, the practitioner confirms over his or her original, personal signature the submission of the e-mail addresses to be used for the practitioner. The confirmation letter must include the same information as in the e-mail, preferably with the e-mail addresses in the same order. Facsimiles are not acceptable. 37 CFR § 1.4(e). Letters from law firms or corporate legal departments may provide confirmation for several registered practitioners, but must be signed by each practitioner. Following receipt of the confirmation letter, the e-mail address will be copied from the received e-mail and pasted into the database. OED will inform the practitioner by e-mail of the receipt of the confirmation letter and the inclusion of the practitioner’s e-mail addresses on the roster.

Practitioners will be responsible for updating OED with each and every change of e-mail addresses. Until further notice, the e-mail addresses must be updated using the forgoing steps.

Plain text is necessary inasmuch as the e-mail addresses will be pasted from the e-mail into the database. Practitioners will be responsible for the correctness of the e-mail addresses submitted to and included in the database. Accordingly, the correctness of the each e-mail address should be checked before it is submitted. Please do not submit e-mail addresses in PDF format or anything other than plain text. Office personnel will not type e-mail address information into the database that is submitted in PDF or other formats. Submission of e-mail addresses in PDF format or other means requiring the address to be typed into a database will not be accepted.

If more than three e-mail addresses are submitted, only the first three e-mail addresses will be used. The e-mail addresses will not be disseminated to the public.

Regarding business, not e-mail, addresses, practitioners should check, and where necessary, update their business address and telephone number on the roster. Practitioners may view the information regarding them that is available on the roster at: http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/dcom/olia/oed/roster/index.html. Any changes to the information on the roster, must be made by submitting a change of address form that is available at: http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/dcom/olia/oed/addchangefrm.pdf. Changes of business addresses cannot be accepted by e-mail, but must use the change of address form available at http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/dcom/olia/oed/addchangefrm.pdf.

Harry I. Moatz
Director of Enrollment and Discipline

May 11, 2006

KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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