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>Research, Development, and Technology - FY 2002/2003 Performance Plan



Vision and Mission

RD&T Catalog of Products

RD&T Catalog of Services

Challenges & Commitments

Action Agenda 2002/2003

Goals & Strategies

2000/2001 Products Delivered

Framework Chart

Performance Measurements

RD&T Organizational Chart

Performance Management Framework



One of the strategies for the RD&T Leadership Council is to "create, maintain, and advance a Council Action Agenda with specific tasks, schedules, and assigned responsibilities." The Action Agenda is a dynamic document which is updated as items are initiated, advanced, and are accomplished. Action Items are documented in one-page descriptions which provide key information on the initiative. The Action Agenda is not all inclusive of strategic activities in which RD&T is engaged, but rather includes selected items of significant impact across RD&T and/or FHWA for which we have a direct responsibility and are held accountable. In addition, short-term Council efforts resulting in products or accomplishments are documented as part of this Agenda.

The organization of this Action Agenda is aligned to the strategy categories defined for the Leadership Council.




Action Item


Target Completion Date

A. Leadership    
1. Develop and Implement R & T Legislative Agenda and Strategy HRPD Ongoing
2. Prepare a Concept Paper and Work Plan for Advanced Research HRDS/HRDO/HRDI 12/01
3. Establish a Student Volunteer Program HRRM 12/01
4. Prepare a White Paper on "The FHWA Role in R&T" HRPD 5/02
B. Strategic Planning    
1. Mobility
See FY 2002/2003
FY 2002/2003
2. Safety Products See FY
FY 2002/2003
3. Productivity
See FY 2002/2003Products Page FY 2002/2003
4. Human and Natural Environment
See FY 2002/2003
Products Page
FY 2002/2003
5. Security See FY 2002/2003
Products Page
6. Organizational Excellence See FY 2002-2003
Action Agenda
C. Human Resources Development & Management    
1. Provide a Forum for Outreach on Work Systems, Training, Security and Morale HRRM 12/01
D. Customer & Partner Focus    
1. Communicate the FHWA R&T Story HRTS 12/01
2. Update & Maintain Technology Facilitation/Strategy and Action Plans HRDI/HRDS/HRDO 12/01
3. Communicating RD&T Activities
(Profiles report, success stories, Innovation connection, etc.)
HRTS 9/01
4. Develop a Customer Feedback Plan for RD&T HRPD 5/02
E. Information & Analysis    
1. Improve the RD&T Web Site for Enhanced Customer Access & Service HRTS 7/02
F. Process Management    
A. Administrative Key Processes    

1. Procurement Planning Process Review, Evaluate Results, and Document Improvements

HRRM 9/02

2. Administrative Processes Review, Evaluate Results, and Document Improvements

HRRM 9/02
B. Business Processes    

1. Technology and Innovation Process, Evaluate Results, and Document Improvements

HRTS 12/01

2. Develop a TFHRC Lab Assessment Process

HRPD 7/02

3. Complete a Process Management Improvement for FHWA Participation in the SBIR Process

G. Business Results (Metrics)    
1. Develop and Implement a R&D Performance Evaluation Program HRPD 9/02
2. Establish and Support RD&T Information Technologies Team HRRM 12/02
3. Outreach for Worklife Issues HRRM 9/02

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