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> Research, Development, and Technology - FY 2002/2003 Performance Plan


Vision and Mission

RD&T Catalog of Products
-Safety Management
-Run Off Road: Mitigation
-Run Off Road Prevention: Design
-Run Off Road Prevention:Visibility
-Pedestrian & Bicyclist
-Speed Management
-Human Centered Systems
-Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) Related Research
-Traffic Control & Operations
-Traffic Simulation Modeling
-Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS)
-Pavements/Portland Cement Concrete (PCC)
-Pavements/Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP)
-Pavements/Surface Analysis
-Structures/Advanced Materials
-Applied Engineering/Hydraulics
-Applied Engineering/Aerodynamics
-Applied Engineering/Seismic
-Applied Engineering/Geotechnology
-Applied Engineering/Corrosion
-Applied Engineering/Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)
-Applied Engineering/Bridge Management

RD&T Catalog of Services

Challenges & Commitments

Action Agenda 2002/2003

Goals & Strategies

2000/2001 Products Delivered

Framework Chart

Performance Measurements

RD&T Organizational Chart

Performance Management Framework

This is a catalog of products that are planned to be delivered in 2002-03. Products are ready-to-use guidelines, procedures, protocols, best practices, software, equipment, etc. that are packaged for and delivered to customers.

RD&T Catalog of Products

Safety Management

Highway Safety Information System Reports on:
(Safety Management Team) (Safety goal)

Evaluation of Lane Reduction "Road Diet" Measures
Car-Truck Proximity Crashes and Injuries
Safety of Narrow Lanes and Shoulders on Freeways
Review of the Impacts of a Tow Away Reporting Threshold

Procedures for Enhanced Work Zone Crash Data Collection and Exposure (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Comprehensive Highway Safety Improvement Model Interim Report (Safety Management Team) (Safety goal)
Safety Improvements Guidance for Emergency Personnel at Incident Sites (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)

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Run Off Road: Mitigation

Simulation and Analysis of Vehicle Crashes into Mailboxes (Roadside Team) (Safety goal)
Finite Element Model of a Tractor-Trailer and Wood Materials for Guardrails (Roadside Team) (Safety goal)
Rollover Causation Study Interim Report (Roadside Team) (Safety goal)
Side Impact Human Injury Methodology for Future Crash Tests (Roadside Team) (Safety goal)

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Run Off Road Prevention: Design

Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) Beta Tests of: (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Crash Prediction Module
Intersection Diagnostic Review Module
Traffic Analysis Module
Driver/Vehicle Module (Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Complete Model

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Run Off Road Prevention: Visibility


Minimum Levels of Retroreflectivity for Overhead & Street Name Signs (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Guidelines for Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Guidelines for Assuring Systemwide Adequacy of Traffic Sign Visibility at Night (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Updated Minimum Levels for Pavement Marking Retroreflectiity (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Night Driving & Lighting Requirements for the Older Driver (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Field Guide for the Use of Portable Changeable Message Signs (Roadway Team w/Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Minimum Fluorescent Requirements for Traffic Signs (Roadway Team w/Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Requirements for LED Traffic Signals (Roadway Team w/Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Enhanced Night Visibility Project Follow Up Study Results (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)

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Pedestrian & Bicyclist

Pedestrian Facilities Safety User Guide (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Recommendations for Future Design of Cross-walk Signals (Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Design Criteria Based on the Non-motorists Perception of Speed (Roadway Team w/Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)

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Speed Management


Results of Field Tests on Impacts of Setting and Enforcing Rational Speed Limits (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
USLIMITS: A Preliminary Expert System for Speed Zoning (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Recommended Designs for Hump Signs and Markings (Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Variable Speed Limit Demonstrations Results (in Conjunction with NCHRP 3-59) (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Prototype Variable Speed Limit Systems in Work Zones (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Safety Evaluation of Differential Speed Limits for Cars and Trucks (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Comprehension of Speed and Hazard Warning Signs (Human Centered Systems Team)

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Safety and Operational Impacts of Offset "T" Intersections (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Accident Warrant for Traffic Signals (in Conjunction with NCHRP 17-16) (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Driver Selection of Path and Speed Through Roundabouts (Roadway Team w/Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Functional Requirements for Microsimulation-Based Surrogate Safety Measures at Intersections (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)
Safety Recommendations for Novel Intersection Designs (Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Intersection Collision & Roadway Departure Crash Avoidance-Infrastructure Systems Concepts and Requirements (Enabling Technologies Team) (Safety goal)
Traffic Operations and Safety Comparisons of Single Point Urban Interchange with Tight Diamond Interchange (Roadway Team) (Safety goal)

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Human Centered Systems

Transportation Management Center National Pooled Fund Study Results (Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Revised Older Driver Handbook (Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)

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Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) Related Research

Specialty Vehicles Technologies Evaluation (Enabling Technologies Team) (Safety goal)
Enhanced Digital Mapping (Enabling Technologies Team) (Safety goal)
Societal and Institutional Issues Assessment for IVI (Enabling Technologies Team) (Safety goal)
Guidelines for In-Vehicle Display Icons (Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Design Evaluation and Model of Attention Demand (DEMAnD) Tool for In-vehicle Information System Designers (Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Interactive Icon Evaluation Tool (Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)
Human Factors Review of ALERT Police Specialty Vehicle System (Human Centered Systems Team) (Safety goal)

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Traffic Control & Operations

Adaptive Control Systems (ACS) & ACS "Lite" Version Software (Travel Management Team) (Mobility goal)
Ramp Metering 2000 Software (Travel Management Team) (Mobility goal)
Rhodes/CLAIRE/TrEPS Integration and Testing (Travel Management Team) (Mobility goal)
Traffic Detector, Traffic Control Systems, and Freeway Management Handbooks (Travel Management Team) (Mobility goal)
Winter Weather Maintenance Decision Support Systems (Enabling Technologies Team) (Mobility goal)

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Traffic Simulation Modeling

Next Generation Simulation Modeling (NGSIM) (Travel Management Team) (Mobility goal)
Traffic Estimation and Prediction Systems/Dynamic Traffic Assign-ment & Control (TrEPS/DTA) (Travel Management Team) (Mobility goal)
Strategic Work Zone Analysis Tools (SWAT) (Travel Management Team) (Mobility goal)
QuickZone Work Zone Delay Estimation Tool (Travel Management Team) (Mobility goal)

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Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS)

Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System (NDGPS) Base Stations & Coverage Verification Test Jig (Enabling Technologies Team) (Mobility goal)
GPS Surface Observation System Installation for Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor (IPWV) (Enabling Technologies Team) (Mobility goal)

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FHWA Angle Validation Kit (AVK), Commercially Available (Asphalt Pavement Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
A State-of-the-Practice Report in the Design of Crumb-Rubber Material (Asphalt Pavement Team) (Mobility, Productivity, & Human and Natural Environment goal)
Evaluation of the Particle Additive Test (PAT) Report (Asphalt Pavement Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Evaluation of the Laboratory Asphalt Stability Test (LAST) Report (Asphalt Pavement Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)

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Pavements/Portland Cement Concrete (PCC)

Vibrating Slope Apparatus to Measure PCC Workability, Equipment and Test Method (Portland Cement Concrete Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Guidelines to Detect, Analyze, Treat, and/or Prevent Materials-Related Distress (Portland Cement Concrete Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Updated Version of HIPERPAV Software, Used to Prevent Early-Age Cracking Of JPCP (Portland Cement Concrete Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Guidelines to Select Curing Materials and Procedures (Portland Cement Concrete Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Petrography Manual (Portland Cement Concrete Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Guidelines on the Use of Recycled PCCP as Aggregate in New PCCP (Portland Cement Concrete Team) (Human and Natural Environment goal)
Guidelines to Develop Statistical Quality Assurance Specifications (Portland Cement Concrete Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Freeze-Thaw Durability of Concrete Report (Portland Cement Concrete Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)

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Pavements/Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP)

LTPP Database, Data Releases (Long Term Pavement Performance Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
DATAPAVE 3.0, CD-ROM Software Package (Long Term Pavement Performance Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Improved Specifications for Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) (Long Term Pavement Performance Team)
(Mobility & Productivity goal)
Dynamic Test System Protocol (Long Term Pavement Performance Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Estimating Cumulative Traffic Loads Report (Long Term Pavement Performance Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Joint and Crack Load Transfer in LTPP Test Sections Report (Long Term Pavement Performance Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Verification of LTPP Virtual Weather Stations Report (Long Term Pavement Performance Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)

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Mechanistic Pavement Models (Infrastructure and Management Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)

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Pavements/Surface Analysis

Measuring And Evaluating PCCP Warp and Curl (Infrastructure and Management Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)

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Designers Guide for High Performance Steel Bridges (HPS) (High Performance Bridge Materials Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Improved Fracture Toughness Specifications for High Performance Steel (High Performance Bridge Materials Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Curved Girder Bridge Strength Prediction Equation (High Performance Bridge Materials Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Corrugated Web Plates for Steel Girders (High Performance Bridge Materials Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)

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High Performance Concrete (HPC) Data Base (High Performance Bridge Materials Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal) Structures/Timber
Design Guidance for Composite Timber Bridges (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation) (Productivity goal)

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Structures/Advanced Materials


Specifications for Highway Bridge Applications Using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites (High Performance Bridge Materials Team) (Productivity & Mobility goal)
Materials Spec-Accelerated Test-Based Specification
FRP Prestressing for Highway Bridges
Performance Specification and Acceptance Tests for FRP Bridge Decks and Superstructures
Quality Assurance
Structural System Performance

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Applied Engineering/Hydraulics


Effects of Debris on Bridge Pier Scour (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation Team) (Mobility, Productivity, & Safety goal)
Culvert Installation Provisions for AASHTO Bridge Specifications (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation Team) (Mobility, Productivity, & Safety goal)
Improved Culvert Entrance Loss Prediction (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation Team) (Mobility, Productivity, & Safety goal) Applied Engineering/ Aerodynamics
Mean Wind Force Coefficients for Hexagonal, Uniform, and Tapered Cylinders (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation Team) (Mobility, Productivity, & Safety goal )
Stochastic Methods for Simulating 3-D Wind Flow Around Bridges (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation Team) (Mobility, Productivity & Safety goal)

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Applied Engineering/Aerodynamics

Mean Wind Force Coefficients for Hexagonal, Uniform, and Tapered Cylinders (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation Team) (Mobility, Productivity, & Safety goal )
Stochastic Methods for Simulating 3-D Wind Flow Around Bridges (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation Team) (Mobility, Productivity & Safety goal)

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Applied Engineering/Seismic

Seismic Retrofitting Manuals: Part III: Long Span Bridges (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation Team) (Mobility, Productivity, & Safety goal)
Report: "A Risk-Based Methodology For Assessing the Seismic Performance of Lifeline Systems" (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation Team) (Mobility, Productivity & Safety goal)
Improved Seismic Design Provisions for AASHTO Bridge Specifications (Bridge Design and Hazard Mitigation Team) (Mobility, Productivity & Safety goal)

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Applied Engineering/ Geotechnology

Micropile Technology for Bridges (Geotechnical Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)
Non-Nuclear Compaction Control Equipment (Geotechnical Team) (Mobility & Productivity goal)

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Applied Engineering/Corrosion

Knowledge-Based Tools for Bridge Coatings Maintenance Decision Making (Corrosion and Coatings Team) (Productivity & Mobility goal)
Materials and Methods for Corrosion Protection of Concrete Structures (Corrosion and Coatings Team) (Mobility, Productivity & Human and Natural Environment goal)

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Applied Engineering/ Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)

Thermal Imaging System for Crack Detection (Infrastructure Inspection and Management Team) (Mobility, Productivity, & Safety goal)
PERES III Ground Penetrating Radar System (Infrastructure Inspection and Management Team) (Mobility, Productivity, & Safety goal)
Ultrasonic Stress Measurements Sensor for Prestressing Tendons (Infrastructure Inspection and Management Team) (Mobility, Productivity, & Safety goal)

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Applied Engineering/Bridge Management

WebNBI: Internet-Based Query and Analysis System for the National Bridge Inventory Database (Infrastructure Inspection and Management Team) (Productivity, Mobility, & Safety goal)

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Continue to RD&T Catalog of Services



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