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LANDFIRE, also known as the Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools Project, is a five-year, multi-partner project producing consistent and comprehensive maps and data describing vegetation, wildland fuel, and fire regimes across the United States. It is a shared project between the wildland fire management programs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service and U.S. Department of the Interior. The project has four components: the LANDFIRE Prototype, LANDFIRE Rapid Assessment, LANDFIRE National, and Training/Technology Transfer.

LANDFIRE data products include layers of vegetation composition and structure, surface and canopy fuel characteristics, and historical fire regimes. LANDFIRE National methodologies are science-based and include extensive field-referenced data. LANDFIRE data products are designed to facilitate national- and regional-level strategic planning and reporting of wildland fire management activities. Data products are created at a 30-meter grid spatial resolution raster data set.

LANDFIRE National data products are produced at scales that may be useful for prioritizing and planning hazardous fuel reduction and ecosystem restoration projects; however, the applicability of data products varies by location and specific use, and products may need to be adjusted by local users. LANDFIRE meets agency and partner needs for data to support large landscape fire management planning and prioritization.
Updated LANDFIRE Products (REFRESH)

Principal purposes of LANDFIRE data products:

  • Provide national-level, landscape-scale geospatial products to support fire and fuels management planning.
  • Provide consistent fuels data to support fire planning, analysis, and budgeting to evaluate fire management alternatives.
  • Provide landscape–scale, cross-boundary strategic products for fire and land management activities.
  • Supplement planning and management activities, including monitoring, that require consistent vegetation data.
  • Supplement strategic and tactical planning for fire operations.
  • Supplement and assist in:
    • Identification of areas across the nation at risk due to accumulation of wildland fuel
    • Prioritization of national hazardous fuel reduction projects
    • Improved collaboration between agencies with regard to fire and other natural resource management
    • Modeling of real-time fire behavior to support tactical decisions to ensure sufficient wildland firefighting capacity and safety.
    • Regional modeling of potential fire behavior and effects to strategically plan projects for hazardous fuel reduction and restoration of ecosystem integrity on fire-adapted landscapes
    • Community and firefighter protection, effective resource allocation, and collaboration between agencies and the public

LANDFIRE—related links


bullet Continental US
Mapping Milestone
bulletLearn about
Product Update

bulletClick here for
Rapid Refresh
data products

bulletClick here for
Rapid Refresh Fire
Perimeter Data

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