Sunset in the city

Five-Year (Sunset) Reviews
Official Seal of the ITC
Welcome to the U.S. International Trade Commission's Five-Year (Sunset) Reviews website. This page provides general and schedule information concerning the Commission's Five-Year Reviews, as well as links to relevant Federal Register notices and useful Commission publications and resources. We also offer an external link to the Department of Commerce’s Sunset Reviews internet site. Please direct any comments or questions concerning this section to the Commission's Office of Investigations at 202-205-3160.
General Information
  • 1. What are five-year (sunset) reviews?

  • 2. How will reviews proceed?

  • 3. Sample five-year review questionnaires

  • 4. Aggregate five-year review status

  • 5. Institution schedule for and disposition of reviews

  • 6. AD and CVD orders in place

  • Reviews Starting in May 2009
  • Color Television Receivers - China
  • Pressure Sensitive Plastic Tape - Italy (3rd Review)
  • Pick up a free copy of Adobe's Acrobat reader for viewing, searching, and printing the PDF files at this site.

    Official Seal of the ITC