Welcome to ABCD

The Asset-Based Community Development Institute (ABCD) is at the center of a large and growing movement that considers local assets as the primary building blocks of sustainable community development. Building on the skills of local residents, the power of local associations, and the supportive functions of local institutions, asset-based community development draws upon existing community strengths to build stronger, more sustainable communities for the future.

We invite you to learn about the institute and its work in the university and community context. Please also visit our staff and faculty pages, and become acquainted with our many community partners. We hope you will join us in building strong communities.

An ABCD gathering in Evanston, Illinois


Visit our Publications pages to learn more about ABCD and its community applications:

Rural ABCD
Community Transformation
Faith Communities
Public Media and ABCD
Mercado Central

Capacity Inventories
Evaluating ABCD
Grants for Blocks
ABCD and Organizations
Information Exchange


Picture a diverse group of volunteers collaborating to achieve the simple goal of building a playspace for children in one day. Picture communities across the country using the KaBOOM! planning tools and leveraging the collaborative support of corporate and community resources to achieve an immediate and visible impact for their neighborhood. If you can picture it, you can believe it. If you can believe it, you can build it. That is KaBOOM! The ABCD Institute has worked with KaBOOM! both in the development of their policies and programs, and in the evaluation of their community building work.

Visit this month's Featured ABCD Story

NEWS from the Asset-Based Community Development Institute:

Join us in Chicago September 10-12, 2009 for a training workshop titled "Practising Highly Effective Asset-Based Community Development." Coordinated by CommUniversity, registration begins May 1, 2009.

NEWS from the Asset-Based Community Development Institute:

In partnership with ABCD, Coady Institute colleagues Gordon Cunningham and Alison Mathie have just published an edited volume titled, From Clients to Citizens: Communities Changing the Course of their own Development, which features case studies of asset-based community development efforts around the world.

from the Asset-Based Community Development Institute:

Research projects by Jody Kretzmann and Deborah Puntenney were featured in the Inquiry Magazine of Northwestern's School of Education and Social Policy in the Spring 2009 issue. Visit Inquiry Magazine to review the article.

NEWS from the Asset-Based Community Development Institute:

The new Asset-Based Community Development Institute website is live!  You should be automatically forwarded from our old site to our new site at ABCDInstitute.org

If you experience any trouble with the site transition, please email us for assistance.

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