TABLE E-5 Hazardous Materials Transportation Incidents: 1990–2006,,,,,, ,1990,1995,2000,2004,2005,2006 Highway,"7,297 ","12,869 ","15,063 ","13,071 ","13,460 ","17,128 " Accident related,261 ,257 ,329 ,283 ,322 ,303 Injuries,311 ,296 ,164 ,155 ,175 ,192 Fatalities,8 ,7 ,16 ,13 ,24 ,6 Rail,"1,279 ","1,155 ","1,058 ",765 ,745 ,704 Accident related,48 ,50 ,62 ,46 ,51 ,44 Injuries,73 ,71 ,82 ,122 ,692 ,24 Fatalities,0 ,0 ,0 ,3 ,10 ,0 Air,297 ,817 ,"1,419 ",993 ,"1,654 ","2,410 " Accident related,0,0,3,0,9,7 Injuries,39,33,5,11,78,2 Fatalities,0,0,0,0,0,0 Water,7,12,17,17,69,68 Accident related,0,0,0,0,0,0 Injuries,0,0,0,0,0,15 Fatalities,0,0,0,0,0,0 Pipeline,,,,,, Liquid,180,188,146,144,138,111 Injuries,7,11,4,16,2,2 Fatalities,3,3,1,5,2,0 Natural gas distribution,109,97,154,176,170,134 Injuries,52,43,59,41,38,25 Fatalities,6,16,22,18,14,16 Natural gas transmission,89,64,80,123,181,143 Injuries,17,10,18,3,7,5 Fatalities,0,2,15,0,0,3 "NOTES: Accident related excludes human errors, package failures, and unreported cases. Water data are for incidents involving packaged materials only and do not include incidents where the vessel is the container (e.g., a barge or oil tanker). Nonpipeline reporting requirements changed in 2002.",,,,,, "In previous years, carriers were exclusively responsible for reporting hazardous materials release incidents. In 2005, PHMSA expanding the requirement to report to include the person in physical possession of a hazardous material at the time an incident occurs during transport. Nonrelease incidents involving cargo tanking and undeclared shipments of hazardous materials.",,,,,, "SOURCES: USDOT, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), Hazardous Materials Information System Database. 1990 data—available at 96_97biennial.rpt.pdf, as of December 2005. 1995–2006 data—available at, as of August 2007. Pipeline data—USDOT, PHMSA, Office of Pipeline Safety, available at as of August 2007.",,,,,,