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Philippines in Figures
 Population (August 2007) 88.57M
 Projected Population (2009) 92.23M
 Inflation Rate (July 2009) 0.2%
 Balance of Trade (June 2009) $-701M
 Exports (June 2009) $3.410B
 Imports (June 2009) $4.108B
 Unemployment (April 2009) 7.5%
 Underemployment (April 2009) 18.9%
 Simple Literacy (2000) 92.3%
 Functional Literacy (2003) 84%
 Average Family Income (2006) P147,000
 GNP (Q4 2008) P2,339.8B
 GDP (Q4 2008) P2,126.8B
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 W H A T ' S    N E W
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries - June 2009 [08/25/2009]
For the month of June, Value of Production Index (VaPI) of the manufacturing industry posted a slower decline of negative 12.8 percent compared with the year-ago decrease of 13.0 percent in May 2009.
External Trade Performance - June 2009 [08/25/2009]
Total external trade in goods for January to June 2009 reached $37.586 billion, exhibiting a 31.9 percent decline from $55.188 billion recorded during the same period in 2008.
Total population of Abra grew by 1.35 percent annually (Results from the 2007 PopCen) [08/24/2009]
The population of Abra was 230,953 persons as of August 1, 2007, based on the 2007 Census of Population (POPCEN 2007).
General Wholesale Price Index - April 2009 [08/21/2009]
The annual movement in the country's General Wholesale Price Index (GWPI) further dropped to -5.4 percent in April from -4.5 percent in March.
Construction Materials Wholesale Price Index in NCR - July 2009 [08/20/2009]
The CMWPI in the NCR posted a zero growth in July from 0.2 percent in June as prices of lumber, plywood, wood products, asphalt, glass and glass products, plumbing fixtures, paints, reinforcing and structural steel,..
2007 Philippine Yearbook now off the press [08/20/2009]
The National Statistics Office (NSO) announces the release of the 2007 Philippine Yearbook (PY) in hard copy and in compact disc (CD).
Over 1,600 stakeholders come together for the 6th NCSO [08/17/2009]
The National Statistics Office - Office of the Civil Registrar General (NSO-OCRG) is pleased to announce that the conduct of the 6th National Convention of Solemnizing Officers (6NCSO) at the SMX Convention Center...
Retail Price Index of Selected Construction Materials in NCR - July 2009 [08/17/2009]
On a monthly basis, the Retail Price Index of Selected Construction Materials in NCR dropped to -0.6 percent in July from 0.2 percent in June.
General Retail Price Index in NCR - June 2009 [08/14/2009]
The month-on-month inflation rate of the General Retail Price Index (GRPI) in the National Capital Region (NCR) went up to 0.8 percent in June from 0.1 percent in May.
Wage and Salary Workers (Data based on the Philippine Labor Force Survey, January 2001 - October 2004) [08/14/2009]
During the period January 2001 to October 2004, the percentage of wage and salary workers to the total employed persons aged 15 years old and over was between 48-53 percent.
Merchandise Export Performance - June 2009 [08/11/2009]
Export earnings in June 2009 dropped by 24.7 percent to $3.410 billion from $4.527 billion reported in June 2008.
Final Results of 2006 CPBI for Electricity, Gas and Water Supply now available [08/07/2009]
The NSO, the authority on general-purpose statistics, announces that the final results of the 2006 Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI) for Major Division E - Electricity, Gas and Water Supply are already...
Final Results of 2006 CPBI for Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities now available [08/07/2009]
The NSO, the authority on general-purpose statistics, announces that the final results of the 2006 Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI) for Sector K - Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities is...
Producer Price Survey - June 2009 [08/07/2009]
The Producer Price Index (PPI, 2000=100) for the manufacturing industry dropped by 1.6 percent in June 2009, compared with the year ago level, according to the preliminary results of the Monthly PPS.
Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Price Index - July 2009 [08/05/2009]
The seasonally adjusted CPI of FBT items in NCR and AONCR correspondingly registered at 151.3 and 162.7 in July were lower than their respective June levels of 151.5 and 162.9.
Inflation Rate and Consumer Price Index - July 2009 [08/05/2009]
The country�s year-on-year headline inflation rate further decelerated to 0.2 percent in July from 1.5 percent in June.

Administrative-based Statistics
External Trade Performance - May 2009 [07/23/2009]
Total external trade in goods for January to May 2009 reached $30.072 billion, representing a 33.7 percent decline from $45.338 billion recorded during the same period in 2008.
Private Building Construction Statistics - First Quarter 2009 [07/07/2009]
Approved building permit applications nationwide reached 27,282 during the first quarter of 2009, This number posted a growth of 19.7 percent from the 22,787 applications received during the same period of 2008.

Industry-based Statistics
General Wholesale Price Index - March 2009 [07/29/2009]
The annual growth rate of the General Wholesale Price Index (GWPI) at the national level continued a negative trend at -4.5 in March from -1.4 percent in February. .
Final Results of 2006 CPBI for Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry now available [07/28/2009]
The NSO, the authority on general-purpose statistics, announces that the final results of the 2006 Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI) for Sector A - Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry are already available.

Household-based Statistics
Nearly half of the total OFWs are in Calabarzon, Central Luzon and NCR (Results from the 2008 Survey on Overseas Filipinos) [07/03/2009]
The number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who worked abroad at anytime during the period April to September 2008 reached 2.0 million as reported by their families.
Poverty situation in the Philippines in 2007 [07/24/2009]
Based on the results of the 2007 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey, 38.0 percent of families in the bottom 30% income stratum do not have electricity in their homes compared to 6.5 percent among families in the upper...

Civil Registration Services
Stakeholders to meet this August for the 6th National Convention of Solemnizing Officers [07/28/2009]
Priests, pastors, imams, and other solemnizing officers from various religious sects and denominations; city/municipal mayors; members of the judiciary; and local civil registrars from all over the country will...
Customer Satisfaction Survey - March 2009 [05/16/2009]
In March 2009, three out of five NSO clients or 59.6 percent are satisfied with the service provided to them.

Philippines in Figures 2009 now off the press [07/03/2009]
The NSO announces the release of the 2009 Philippines in Figures (PIF), a handy, pocket-size booklet that features the most relevant and up-to-date data on the socio-economic aspects of the country.
NSO Calendar of Press Releases
The following PRESS RELEASES shall be available to users in the following target dates of release.


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Page last updated:
August 25, 2009
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