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We must make rail safety act work
By International President Mike Futhey

Compromise is the art of successful negotiations. But when one party goes to the negotiating table unwilling to compromise, the results can be unpleasant for both, and produce a result that might not be the best choice.

Such was the case with the Rail Safety Improvement Act passed by Congress last fall.

Repeatedly, rail labor told the carriers that if we don’t jointly reach a negotiated agreement on employee fatigue,...

Safety task force seeks member help
We need each other's help to halt a horrific increase in employee on-duty fatalities and career-ending injuries.

Among stakeholders who soon will be asked to assist are UTU officers and members, rail carriers, and UTU Designated Legal Counsel.

In just the first three months of 2009, 11 railroad employees died in on-duty accidents (five of them UTU members), which could translate -- if this dreadful trend continues -- to 44 for the year. This would be a 76 percent increase over 2...

05/06/09 Unions winning more organizing elections
05/06/09 CSX chops 132 Buffalo rail jobs
05/06/09 Mad scramble for high-speed rail dollars
05/06/09 N.Y. lawmakers reach deal on MTA funding
05/06/09 Job-loss rate may be slowing
05/06/09 Metrolink settles with chatty employee
05/05/09 Rail Retirement trust funds solvent

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