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New Perspectives on Managing Risk Through the Supply Network
On December 2, 2008, CTL brings together researchers and practitioners who are pioneering risk management within their respective businesses. CTL researchers are developing risk models for global supply networks and identifying leading-edge risk management practices.    Read More >> 


Cheap Oil: A Thing of the Past

Yossi Sheffi, CTL Director and Director of the Engineering Systems Division, discusses the impact of oil prices on the supply chain in DP World Net. For more info
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SCALE Network Named in World Trade's Fabulous 50

Each year, World Trade Magazine selects the top 50 organizations, places and people whose efforts make the global supply chain more sustainable.  The MIT Global SCALE Network is on the 2008 list.
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Webcast: Changing the World through SC

In this CTL webcast, three of our Supply Chain grad students discuss their current research projects that deal with energy, humanitarian logistics and healthcare.
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Earn a SCM degree in Spain!

The ZLOG program, based out of Zaragoza, Spain, offers a  9-month Master of Engineering degree in logistics and supply chain management. 
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Earn a dual degree in Supply Chain and Business
Get both an International MBA and a Master of Engineering in Logistics in this dual degree program offered by CTL, Instituto de Empresa and the Zaragoza Logistics Center in Spain.  Learn more >>


Global Health Supply Chain Summit

On Nov 6-7 in Zaragoza Spain, gain insight into the key drivers for achieving supply chain success in different global health initiatives.

Supply Chain Exec Course

Held Jan 6-9 at MIT, Supply Chains Driving Strategic Advantage is MIT-CTL's four-day executive course taught by our leading team of MIT faculty and researchers.
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