Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 5 - Comparison of Before-and-After Speed Data

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Six-lane highway sections

Highway Location, direction, and year Mean speed (mph) Standard deviation (mph) Coefficient of variation (%) 15th percentile speed (mph)
I-75 Between I-10 & CR136, NB, 1996 66 4 6 63
Site 320, NB, 2002 73 6 8 67
Between I-10 & CR136, SB, 1996 66 5 8 61
Site 320, SB, 2002 74 7 9 66
Between CR234 & SR21, NB, 1996 68 5 7 63
Site 9904, NB, 2002 71 6 8 64
Between CR234 & SR21, SB, 1996 67 5 7 63
Site 9904, SB, 2002 71 6 8 64
I-95 Between CR210 and I-295, NB, 1996 67 4 6 64
Site 9905, NB, 2002 72 7 10 65
Midpoint CR210 and I-295, SB, 1996 63 6 10 60
Site 9905, SB, 2002 72 6 8 65
Near Flagler CL, NB, 1996 69 4 6 65
Site 9905, NB, 2002 72 7 10 65
Near Flagler CL, SB, 1996 64 5 8 63
Site 9905, SB, 2002 72 6 10 65

Four-lane highway sections

Highway Location, direction, and year Mean speed (mph) Standard deviation (mph) Coefficient of variation (%) 15th percentile speed (mph)
I-75 At mile marker 89, WB, 1996 66 4 6 61
Site 351,WB, 2002 74 7 9 66
At mile marker 89, EB, 1996 68 6 9 63
Site 351, EB, 2002 78 9 11 68
I-10 Overpass E. of SR 85, WB, 1996 67 4 6 64
Site 9901, WB, 2002 74 6 8 68
Overpass E. of SR 85, EB, 1996 69 4 6 64
Site 9901, EB, 2002 74 6 8 68
C-280 overpass, WB, 1996 68 5 7 65
Site 9901, WB, 2002 74 6 8 68
C-280 overpass, EB, 1996 67 4 6 64
Site 9901, EB, 2002 74 6 8 68
Between SR257 & US221, WB, 1996 67 5 7 62
Site 9928, WB, 2002 70 6 9 66
Between SR257 & US221, EB, 1996 69 5 7 65
Site 9928, EB, 2002 71 5 7 68
East end of Aucilla River, WB, 1996 67 5 7 62
Site 9928, WB, 2002 70 6 8 66
East end of Aucilla River, EB, 1996 69 4 6 64
Site 9928, EB, 2002 71 5 7 68

Key: EB = eastbound; NB = northbound; SB = southbound; WB = westbound.

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