Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3 - Multivariate Analysis of Model 1

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Explanatory variables Estimates Standard errors Degrees of freedom Scaled deviance t-statistics Sig. at 0.05 Mean deviance
Constant -5.8700 0.4580 50 15,022.0 -12.81 Yes 300.4
QNMm 0.3241 0.0297 49 748.6 10.91 Yes 15.3
QNMn 0.0835 0.0183 48 483.6 4.57 Yes 10.1
QMm 0.0683 0.0188 47 241.5 3.64 Yes 5.1
QMn 0.1296 0.0230 46 142.8 5.63 Yes 3.1
SPEED 0.0260 0.0033 45 75.1 7.79 Yes 1.7
LWm -0.0727 0.0320 44 70.7 -2.27 Yes 1.6
LWn -0.0718 0.0305 43 69.1 -2.35 Yes 1.6
LNm -0.0176 0.0044 42 55.0 -3.97 Yes 1.3
SHDW (2) -0.0176 0.0069 40 47.5 -2.55 Yes 1.2
SHDW (3) -0.0255 0.0100 40 47.5 -2.56 Yes 1.2
LU (2) 0.0159 0.0055 39 39.0 2.91 Yes 1.0

Note: Estimates for factors (2) and (3) are the differences compared with the reference level (1).

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