TABLE E-7 Volume of Oil Spills from Facilities by Sources: 1995-2005,,,,,,,,,,,, (Thousands of gallons),,,,,,,,,,,, ,Airports/aircrafts,Offshore,Onshore,Pipelines,Railroads/rails,Tank trucks,Other vehicles,Other facilities,Unknown,Total,, 1995,2,12,116,78,44,0,0,20,9,281,, 1996,2,227,192,988,1,3,1,24,11,"1,449",, 1997,1,13,175,267,4,4,1,92,12,569,, 1998,1,25,106,204,0,11,1,16,32,396,, 1999,0,11,426,39,1,13,1,45,47,583,, 2000,2,11,256,99,0,11,1,13,8,401,, 2001,1,31,192,8,1,U,12,140,64,450,, 2002,0,63,142,0,0,U,4,0,79,288,, 2003,0,36,35,0,0,U,0,0,3,74,, 2004,0,10,62,0,0,U,0,0,1,74,, 2005,0,1,2,0,0,U,0,0,111,113,, "NOTES: Other Vehicles include passenger cars, 4-wheel drives and ATVs. The drop in total spills from 2002 to 2005 reflects the implementation of a new database following a massive breakdown of the main Coast Guard Oil spill database (MSIS) in November 2001. The new system (MISLE) only counts the spill if it is investigated.",,,,,,,,,,,, "In 2005 facilities accounted for 66 percent of all spills, largely the result of an Unknown facility spill that occurred on the Kentucky River in January, spilling 110,000 gallons of crude oil.",,,,,,,,,,,, Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.,,,,,,,,,, "SOURCE: American Petroleum Institute, Oil Spills in U.S. Waters, available at as of November 2007.",,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,