TABLE E-6 Top 20 Hazardous Material Incidents: 2006,,,,,,,,,, Rank,Hazardous Materials,Incidents,,,,,,,, 1,"Paint (including Paint, Lacquer, Enamel,Stain, Shellac Solutions, Varnish, Polish, Liquid Filler, and Liquid Lacquer Base) or PAINT RELATED MATERIAL (including Paint Thinning or Reducing Compound)","3,411",,,,,,,, 2,"Flammable liquids, N.O.S.","1,178",,,,,,,, 3,Diagnostic specimen,"1,062",,,,,,,, 4,Isopropanol or isopropyl alcohol,761,,,,,,,, 5,Paint,742,,,,,,,, 6,"Corrosive liquids, N.O.S.",638,,,,,,,, 7,"Paint related material including paint thinning, drying, removing or reducing compound",592,,,,,,,, 8,"Sodium hydroxide, solution",523,,,,,,,, 9,"Resin solution, flammable",497,,,,,,,, 10,"Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, N.O.S",422,,,,,,,, 11,"Printing ink, flammable",381,,,,,,,, 12,"Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, N.O.S.",351,,,,,,,, 13,"Adhesives, containing a flammable liquid",302,,,,,,,, 14,Methanol or methyl alcohol,302,,,,,,,, 15,Fire extinguishers containing,300 16,"Hydrochloric acid, solution",299 17,"Potassium hydroxide, solution",270 18,Sulfuric acid,254 19,Gasoline,249 20,Acetone,211 KEY: N.O.S. = Not otherwise specified.,, " NOTES: Due to multiple commodities being involved in a single incident, the totals above may not correspond to the totals in other reports. Due to changes enacted Jan. 1, 2005, in reporting requirements and the 5800.1 form, reportable incidents now include all undeclared hazardous materials shipments and specification cargo tanks that receive damage to their lading retention systems while hauling hazardous materials.",, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), Hazardous Materials Information System, available at as of August 2007.",,