FIGURE D-4a Value of Surface U.S. - Canada Trade: 1995 - 2007,,,,,,, "monthly data, not seasonally adjusted",,,,,,, ,,,,,,, FIGURE D-4b Value of Surface U.S. - Mexico Trade: 1995 - 2007,,,,,,, "monthly data, not seasonally adjusted",,,,,,, ,,,,,,, TABLE D-4 U.S. Surface Trade with Canada and Mexico: 2006 - 2007,,,,,,, Millions of dollars,,,,,,, ,U.S. - Canada Trade,,,U.S. - Mexico Trade,,, ,Truck ,Rail,Pipeline,Truck ,Rail,Pipeline, January 2006,"24,197","7,202","5,732","17,224","3,299",58, February 2006,"24,495","6,990","5,505","16,463","3,163",59, March 2006,"28,760","7,755","4,688","19,606","3,869",58, April 2006,"26,028","7,407","4,345","16,945","3,319",69, May 2006,"28,336","7,519","4,560","18,903","3,520",67, June 2006,"28,410","7,265","4,474","19,462","3,881",56, July 2006,"22,498","6,020","4,252","17,211","2,834",46, August 2006,"26,998","7,479","4,986","19,775","3,639",70, September 2006,"26,463","6,717","4,320","18,386","3,711",68, October 2006,"27,549","6,920","4,579","19,990","3,957",70, November 2006,"26,331","7,225","4,368","19,260","4,114",63, December 2006,"24,138","7,238","4,237","16,231","3,827",78, January 2007,"24,331","7,046","4,505","18,264","2,851",88, February 2007,"24,990","6,349","4,214","17,441","3,437",39, March 2007,"29,044","8,531","4,504","20,058","3,953",80, April 2007,"27,069","7,624","4,770","18,213","3,702",59, May 2007,"28,425","7,906","4,841","20,265","4,078",58, "NOTES: Surface freight is useful in monitoring the value and modal patterns of trade with Canada and Mexico, our North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) partners. Canada is our largest trading partner. Mexico now ranks third. Surface modes include not only truck, rail, and pipeline, but also government mail and other miscellaneous modes. ",,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Surface Freight Dataset; August 2007; available at as of November 2007. The original data are from U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Exports of Merchandise data and U.S. Imports of Merchandise data.",,,,,,,