TABLE A-10 U.S. Airport Runway Pavement Conditions: 1999–2006,,,,,,,,,,, ,NPIAS airports (number),Condition (percent),,,Commercial service airports (number),Condition (percent),,,,, ,,Good,Fair,Poor,,Good ,Fair,Poor,,, 1999,"3,344",72%,23%,5%,547,78%,20%,2%,,, 2000,"3,361",73%,22%,5%,546,79%,19%,2%,,, 2001,"3,364",73%,22%,5%,546,79%,19%,2%,,, 2002,"3,358",71%,24%,5%,536,79%,19%,2%,,, 2003,"3,346",75%,21%,4%,510,80%,18%,2%,,, 2004,"3,356",75%,21%,4%,513,82%,16%,2%,,, 2005,"3,357",75%,21%,4%,517,79%,19%,2%,,, 2006,"3,365",77%,19%,4%,517,79%,18%,3%,,, KEY: NPIAS = National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems.,,,,,,,,,,, "NOTES: The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems is composed of all commercial service airports, all reliever airports, and selected general aviation airports. It does not include over 1,000 publicly owned public-use landing areas, privately owned public-use airports, and other civil landing areas not open to the general public. NPIAS airports account for almost all enplanements. In 2005, there were 16,500 non-NPIAS airports. Commercial service airports are defined as public airports receiving scheduled passenger service, and having at least 2,500 enplaned passengers per year. ",,,,,,,,,,, "SOURCES: Various sources, as cited in U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics 2007, table 1-24, available at as of September 2007. ",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,