Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Government Transportation Expenditures by Mode and Level of Government: 1995-2006

Millions of current dollars

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  R1995 R2000 2005 2006
Highway total 90,075 119,911 147,325 99,784
Federal 1,685 2,190 2,661 2,972
State and local 88,391 117,720 144,664 96,812
Transit total 25,460 34,828 41,900 44,097
Federal 1,277 3,677 450 83
State and local 24,183 31,150 41,450 44,014
Rail total 1,049 778 1,472 1,548
Federal 1,023 765 1,437 1,528
State and local 26 13 35 20
Air total 19,250 22,525 40,328 41,195
Federal 10,807 9,285 22,366 22,802
State and local 8,443 13,240 17,962 18,393
Water total 6,623 7,634 10,307 10,888
Federal 4,314 4,493 6,411 6,603
State and local 2,309 3,141 3,896 4,286
Pipeline total 24 46 82 91
Federal 12 28 58 66
State and local 12 18 24 25
General support 775 653 1,673 1,795
Federal 769 645 1,659 1,783
State and local 6 8 14 12
Total, all modes 143,256 186,374 243,086 199,397
Federal 19,886 21,084 35,041 35,836
State and local 123,369 165,290 208,045 163,562

Key: R = revised.

Notes: Federal expenditure includes direct federal spending, excluding grants to state and local governments. State and local expenditure includes outlays from all sources of funds including funds from federal grants, except railroad and pipeline modes. State and local expenditure for rail and pipeline modes include outlays that are funded by federal grants only. The part of expenditure that may be funded by other funding sources of state and local governments are not covered due to lack of data.
Water mode does not include outlays for civilian transportation-related activities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for construction, operation, and maintenance of channels, harbors, locks, and dams, and protection of navigation. Local government outlays for highway are not included in 2006.
Federal highway expenditure has been revised for 2000. In addition, railroad and general support expenditure have been revised for 1995 and 2000.

Source: U. S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics 2008.

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