Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Employment in Transportation and Selected Transportation-Related Industriesa : 1990-2007


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  1990 R2000 R2006 2007
Total U.S. labor force (Nonfarm) 109,487 131,785 136,086 137,623
Total transportation related labor forceb 12,086 13,638 13,205 13,213
Transportation as a percent of U.S. total 11 10 10 10
For-hire transport & warehousing 3,476 4,410 4,470 4,536
Air 529 614 487 493
Water 57 56 63 64
Railroad 272 232 228 234
Transit/ground passenger transportation 274 372 399 410
Pipeline 60 46 39 40
Trucking 1,122 1,406 1,436 1,441
Support activities 364 537 571 583
Scenic/sightseeing transportation 16 28 28 29
Couriers/messengers 375 605 582 583
Warehousing/storage 407 514 638 659
Related services & construction 5,256 6,177 6,009 6,015
Automotive repair services/parking; automotive equipment rental/leasing; gasoline stations 1,800 2,125 2,057 2,054
Highway, street, bridge construction 289 340 348 345
Dealers or wholesalers of motor vehicles, parts, petroleum, supplies, equipment 1,993 2,360 2,392 2,398
Travel arrangement/reservation services 250 299 226 227
Ambulatory health care services 99 173 217 229
Postal service 825 880 770 762
Transportation-related manufacturingc 2,681 2,447 2,128 2,069
Governmentb 673 604 599 592

a Annual averages. Data are NAICS-based. (See Glossary for definition.) b Fiscal year data. Includes U.S. DOT and state and local highway personnel. c Includes transportation equipment; petroleum products; tires; rubber; plastics; search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical systems; and instrument manufacturing.

Key: R = revised.Notes: In 2000, the data on dealers or wholesalers of motor vehicles have been revised. USCG employees are excluded from government for years 2000 and after.

Sources: Total and transportation related labor force—Bureau of Labor Statistics, Government—Bureau of the Census as cited in U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics, table 3-19b, available at http://www.bts.gov/publications/national_transportation_statistics/ as of January 2009.

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