5-5,,,,,,,,, Value of U.S. International Merchandise Trade by Mode of Transportation: 2007,,,,,,,,, Millions of current U.S. dollars,,,,,,,,, ,Exports,Modal %,Imports,Modal %,Total trade,Total modal %,,, Total,"1,162,708",100.0,"1,953,699",100.0,"3,116,407",100.0,,, Water,"375,152",32.3,"1,023,796",52.4,"1,398,949",44.9,,, Air,"365,965",31.5,"415,261",21.3,"781,226",25.1,,, Truck,"267,390",23.0,"287,441",14.7,"554,831",17.8,,, Rail,"44,837",3.9,"93,022",4.8,"137,859",4.4,,, Pipeline,"4,122",0.4,"55,184",2.8,"59,306",1.9,,, "Other, unknown, & miscellaneous","105,243",9.1,"78,994",4.0,"184,237",5.9,,, Notes: Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.,,,,,,,,, Excludes intransit data (merchandise shipped from one foreign country to another via a U.S. port).,,,,,,,,, "Imports—Excludes imports valued at less than $1,250. Import value is based on U.S. general imports, customs value basis.",,,,,,,,, "Exports—Excludes exports valued at less than $2,500. Export value is FAS (free alongside ship) and represents the value of exports at the port of export, including the transaction price and inland freight, insurance, and other charges.",,,,,,,,, "Sources: Water and air—U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, FT920 U.S. Merchandise Trade: Selected Highlights, December 2007, available at http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/Press-Release/ft920_index.html as of October 2008. Truck, rail, pipeline, and other, unknown, & miscellaneous—U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Freight Data, October 2008.",,,,,,,,,