5-4,,,, Employment in Transportation and Selected Transportation-Related Industriesa : 1990-2007,,,, Thousands,,,, ,1990,R2000,R2006,2007 Total U.S. labor force (Nonfarm),"109,487 ","131,785 ","136,086 ","137,623 " Total transportation related labor forceb,"12,086","13,638","13,205","13,213" Transportation as a percent of U.S. total,11,10,10,10 For-hire transport & warehousing,"3,476","4,410","4,470","4,536" Air,529 ,614 ,487 ,493 Water,57 ,56 ,63 ,64 Railroad,272 ,232 ,228 ,234 Transit/ground passenger transportation ,274 ,372 ,399 ,410 Pipeline,60 ,46,39 ,40 Trucking,"1,122","1,406","1,436 ","1,441" Support activities,364 ,537 ,571 ,583 Scenic/sightseeing transportation,16 ,28 ,28 ,29 Couriers/messengers,375,605,582 ,583 , Warehousing/storage,407 ,514 ,638 ,659 , Related services & construction,"5,256","6,177","6,009","6,015", Automotive repair services/parking; automotive equipment rental/leasing; gasoline stations ,"1,800","2,125","2,057 ","2,054 ", "Highway, street, bridge construction ",289 ,340 ,348 ,345 , "Dealers or wholesalers of motor vehicles, parts, petroleum, supplies, equipment","1,993","2,360 ","2,392 ","2,398 ", Travel arrangement/reservation services,250,299,226,227, Ambulatory health care services,99 ,173 ,217 ,229 , Postal service,825,880,770,762, Transportation-related manufacturingc,"2,681","2,447","2,128 ","2,069 ", Governmentb,673 ,604 ,599 ,592 , a Annual averages. Data are NAICS-based. (See Glossary for definition.) ,,,,, b Fiscal year data. Includes U.S. DOT and state and local highway personnel. ,,,,, "c Includes transportation equipment; petroleum products; tires; rubber; plastics; search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical, and nautical systems; and instrument manufacturing.",,,,, Key: R = revised.,,,,, "Notes: In 2000, the data on dealers or wholesalers of motor vehicles have been revised. USCG employees are excluded from government for years 2000 and after.",,,,, "Sources: Total and transportation related labor force—Bureau of Labor Statistics, Government—Bureau of the Census as cited in U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics, table 3-19b, available at http://www.bts.gov/publications/national_transportation_statistics/ as of January 2009.",,,,