Juneau Fish & Wildlife Field Office
Alaska Region



The contaminants program evaluates actual and suspected environmental contaminants as they relate to Federal trust resources (migratory birds, endangered species, interjurisdictional fish, wetlands and refuge resources) through investigations, technical review, planning efforts, site cleanup/remediation and spill response. Primary project workloads are related to Oil Spill Planning and Response, mining, coordination with other Federal agencies and environmental education.

Bald Eagle Tagging & Contaminants Sampling. USFWS. Click to Enlarge.

Contact Information:
Deborah Rudis
Environmental Contaminants Specialist
Juneau Fish & Wildlife Field Office
3000 Vintage Blvd. Suite 201
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Phone: 907/780-1183
Fax: 907/586-7154

Last updated: September 5, 2008