Fisheries & Ecological Services
Alaska Region


Environmental Contaminants

Spill Response & Restoration

Grounded vessel,  Afognak Island 2002. Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation. Click to Enlarge Grounded vessel,  Afognak Island 2002. Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation. Click to Enlarge The 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster demonstrated the devastating effect that oil spills can have on fish and wildlife resources. Because of our responsibility to those resources, the Alaska Region actively participates in response and restoration efforts undertaken after hazardous substances are released to the environment.

  • Our spill response program emphasizes early planning and coordination with other agencies and organizations, to minimize the injury to fish, wildlife, and their habitats when spills occur.
  • The Service, on behalf of the Department of the Interior, is trustee for certain natural resources in the natural resource damage assessment and restoration process. Working with other federal and state trustees, Alaska Native interests, and local communities, the Service assesses resource injuries and works to restore those resources & associated services.

Click button for informaiton about Kuroshima Spill Click button for information on Selendang Ayu spill Click button for information about Exxon Valdez spill


Last updated: November 14, 2008