Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table C-12
U.S. Merchandise Imports from Canada and Mexico by Mode: 2001

Total NAFTA Imports

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Mode Value (U.S. million $) Weight (short tons) Value to weight ratio
Truck 203,507 91,639,312 2,221
Rail 69,255 75,032,793 923
Pipeline 25,910 75,399,107 344
Air 15,127 138,614 109,131
Water 20,551 156,777,660 131
Other and unknown 14,052 443,131 31,710
Total 348,402 399,430,616 872

Imports From Canada

Mode Value (U.S. million $) Weight (short tons) Value to weight ratio
Truck 117,130 69,119,663 1,695
Rail 47,198 66,631,589 708
Pipeline 25,908 75,381,271 344
Air 9,836 76,617 128,379
Water 6,279 60,090,216 104
Other and unknown 10,617 262,819 40,397
Total 216,969 271,562,176 799

Imports From Mexico

Mode Value (U.S. million $) Weight (short tons) Value to weight ratio
Truck 86,377 22,519,649 3,836
Rail 22,057 8,401,204 2,625
Pipeline 2 17,836 91
Air 5,291 61,996 85,345
Water 14,272 96,687,444 148
Other and unknown 3,435 180,311 19,049
Total 131,433 127,868,440 1,028

NOTES: Other includes "flyaway aircraft" (i.e., aircraft moving from the manufacturer to a customer and not carrying any freight), vessels moving under their own power, pedestrians carrying freight, and miscellaneous. Shipments that neither originate nor terminate in the United States (i.e., in-transit shipments) are not included here, although they use the U.S. transportation system. These shipments are usually part of Mexico-Canada trade and simply pass through the United States. Merchandise trade data exclude export shipments valued at less than $2,500 and import shipments valued at less than $1,250. Individual modal totals may not sum to exact export or import totals due to rounding.

SOURCES: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, special tabulation, May 2002; based on: total trade, air, and water-U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, FT920 U.S. Merchandise Trade (Washington, DC: 2001); all land modes-U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Surface Freight Data, January 2002.

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