Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table C-2
U.S. International Merchandise Trade and Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 1990-2001

(Billions of chained 1996 dollars)

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  Real GDP Total trade Annual change in GDP (%) Annual change in trade (%)
1990 6,708 891 1.8 5.3
1991 6,676 919 -0.5 3.1
1992 6,880 994 3 8.1
1993 7,063 1,062 2.7 6.9
1994 7,348 1,186 4 11.7
1995 7,544 1,308 2.7 10.3
1996 7,813 1,427 3.6 9.1
1997 8,160 1,631 4.4 14.3
1998 8,509 1,754 4.3 7.5
1999 8,857 1,911 4.1 8.9
2000 9,224 2,152 4.1 12.6
2001 9,334 2,068 1.2 -3.9
Percentage change, 1990-2001 39.1 132.1    
Average annual growth rate 3.0 8.0    

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics; based on data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Products Accounts, available at http://www.bea.doc.gov/bea/dn1.htm, as of August 2002.

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