Table 5,,,,,,,,, "Top 25 U.S. International Merchandise Trade Partners by Value: 1970 - 2001",,,,,,,,, (Millions current U.S. dollars),,,,,,,,, Rank in 1970,Rank in 1980,Rank in 1990,Rank in 2001,Country ,"Total trade, 2001",,,, 1,1,1,1,Canada," 380,693 ",,,, 5,3,3,2,Mexico," 232,942 ",,,, 2,2,2,3,Japan," 184,241 ",,,, ,24,10,4,China 1," 121,515 ",,,, 3,4,4,5,Germany 2," 89,265 ",,,, 4,5,5,6,United Kingdom," 82,195 ",,,, 17,13,7,7,South Korea," 57,381 ",,,, 15,9,6,8,Taiwan," 51,543 ",,,, 7,7,8,9,France," 50,191 ",,,, 6,11,9,10,Italy," 33,740 ",,,, 38,23,12,11,Singapore," 32,671 ",,,, 36,26,20,12,Malaysia," 31,717 ",,,, 12,16,17,13,Brazil," 30,391 ",,,, 8,14,11,14,Netherlands," 29,025 ",,,, 45,47,30,15,Ireland," 25,689 ",,,, 13,17,13,16,Hong Kong 3," 23,722 ",,,, 9,15,14,17,Belgium 4," 23,653 ",,,, 10,10,18,18,Venezuela," 20,920 ",,,, 44,38,23,19,Thailand," 20,724 ",,,, 22,33,25,20,Israel," 19,453 ",,,, 14,21,19,21,Switzerland," 19,409 ",,,, 56,6,15,22,Saudi Arabia," 19,304 ",,,, 21,27,26,23,Philippines," 18,995 ",,,, 11,20,16,24,Australia," 17,424 ",,,, 19,35,27,25,India," 13,502 ",,,, ,,,,"All other trading partners"," 242,680 ",,,, ,,,,Top 25 countries," 1,630,305 ",,,, ,,,,"Top 25, % of total", 87.0 ,,,, ,,,,"Total, all countries"," 1,872,985 ", "1 In 1970, China was not listed separately in official U.S. trade statistics. It was listed as part of the ""Communist World"".",,,,,, "2 For 1970, 1980, and 1990, Germany includes both West Germany and East Germany.",,,,,, "3 Hong Kong has officially been a part of China since 1997. However, the United States continues to publish merchandise trade statistics separately for Hong Kong.",,,,,, "4 Merchandise trade figures for Belgium include Luxembourg for 1970, 1980, and 1990 but not 2001.",,,,,, "SOURCES: Compiled by U.S. Department of Transporation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, March 2002. 2001 data—Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Exports of Merchandise CD and U.S. Imports of Merchandise CD, December 2001. 1970, 1980, 1990 data—U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States (Washington, DC: 1982, 1985, and 1991).",,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,