Figure 9,, U.S. International Air Operating Revenues and Revenue Ton-Miles: 1980–2001,, (Index: 1980 = 100),, ,Freight revenue ton-miles,Freight Operating revenues 1980,100,100 1981,97.4,97.4 1982,99.6,98 1983,102.8,98.6 1984,114.3,115.4 1985,116.3,111.9 1986,138.4,142.8 1987,165.7,175.3 1988,192.6,211.4 1989,220.9,237.8 1990,219.3,255.3 1991,218.1,307.3 1992,223.1,292.2 1993,251.2,315.5 1994,297.7,352.4 1995,324.2,390.2 1996,358.6,454.7 1997,418.7,503.1 1998,417.8,514.2 1999,441.6,576.1 2000,473.3,610.4 2001,436.2,614.5 NOTE: A revenue ton-mile is equal to one ton carried one mile and measures utilization of air freight services. Data reflect U.S. carriers only.,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Office of Airline Information data, May 2002.",,