Wilma Brakefield-Caldwell, RN 

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Last Reviewed:  6/1/2008
Last Updated:  5/5/2008

Wilma Brakefield-Caldwell, RN 

National Children’s Study Federal Advisory Committee Member

Ms. Brakefield-Caldwell is a community activist and member of the Community Action Against Asthma steering committee in Detroit, Michigan. Ms. Caldwell received her BS in nursing from Wayne State University and worked for 28 years with the Detroit Health Department. During her time with the DHD, Ms. Caldwell worked as a public health nurse, a public health nurse supervisor, a project coordinator, a public health nursing administrator and most recently, as health care administrator. In that capacity, Ms. Brakefield-Caldwell served as the Detroit Health Department representative to the CDC funded Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center. Ms. Brakefield-Caldwell retired from the Detroit Health Department in 1998 but continues to serve as a community representative on the CAAA steering committee. Ms. Brakefield-Caldwell has spoken to numerous national groups and been interviewed by newspapers and journals concerning her involvement in community-based participatory research projects.