Ellen Wright Clayton, MD, JD 

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Last Reviewed:  4/16/2009
Last Updated:  4/16/2009

Ellen Wright Clayton, MD, JD 

National Children’s Study Federal Advisory Committee Member

Professor Clayton is an internationally respected leader in the field of law and genetics and holds appointments in both the law and medical schools at Vanderbilt University, where she also directs the Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society. She has published two books and more than 60 scholarly articles and chapters in medical journals, interdisciplinary journals, and law journals on the intersection of law, medicine, and public health. In addition, she has collaborated with faculty and students throughout Vanderbilt and in many institutions around the country on interdisciplinary research projects. An active participant in policy debates, she advises the National Human Genome Research Institute as well as other federal and international bodies on an array of topics ranging from children's health to the ethical conduct of research involving human subjects. Professor Clayton had worked on a number of projects for the Institute of Medicine, of which she is a member, and is currently chairing an IOM study evaluating Title X family planning. She is also coordinating the Consent and Community Consultation working group of a five-institution consortium exploring the use of electronic medical records for genome-wide association studies. She has helped to develop policy statements for numerous national and international organizations. A widely sought-after teacher and public speaker on medical ethics and other issues, she directs the Law Emphasis Program in the Vanderbilt University Medical School. In addition to teaching in Vanderbilt's law and medical schools, Professor Clayton is a practicing pediatrician at Vanderbilt Medical Center.