Committee on Science and Technology

Top News as of

 Fostering Innovation to Meet our Energy and Economic Needs

The major problems facing our country—a foundering economy, a changing climate, a growing need for clean energy we produce at home—will be solved by science, technology, and innovation. We can take a major step towards fostering the innovation we need by establishing the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy or ARPA-E.

ARPA-E will apply the DARPA research model to energy technology development. DARPA at the Department of Defense created a culture of innovation and lead to breakthroughs like GPS, stealth technology, body armor, and the internet.

Read more about ARPA-E >> 

Committee Agenda for the 111th Congress

During the 110th Congress, the House Science and Technology Committee passed 82 bills in the House – 37 resolutions passed, 27 bills were enacted into law, and 18 additional bills passed the House. In order to spearhead as many science and technology priorities and issues, the Committee has set an aggressive agenda for the 111th Congress.

Read more about the Committee’s Agenda >>

President-Elect Obama Radio Address on the Role of Science

Click here to listen to President-Elect Obama's latest weekly radio address where he introduces the new members of his science and technology team, and discusses the importance of science and innovation to the future of our country. - 12/21/08

President Signs Committee's Landmark Innovation Legislation

President Bush signs H.R. 2272, with lawmakers nearby.

White House photo. Behind the President, from L-R: Dr. John Marburger; Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN) and Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM).

(Washington, DC) On August 9, 2007, President Bush signed into law H.R. 2272, the America COMPETES Act. On August 2,  Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate the passed groundbreaking legislation aimed at ensuring the United States’ strong footing as a global economic leader and retaining our “brainpower advantage.”

Click image to hear Chairman Gordon speak on House floor.

H.R. 2272, the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education and Science Act (COMPETES), makes improvements to math and science education and strengthens the nation’s commitment to scientific research. Read more» 

Chairman Gordon's biography »


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«May 2009»

Are you concerned about the availability of clean, useable water?

The 111TH CONGRESS (2009-2010) The Library of Congress: THOMAS


In Focus
Methamphetamine Abuse and Clean-Up

After a two-year effort, Chairman Bart Gordon saw his legislation on methamphetamine clean-up standards signed into law  on December 21, 2007.  The House passed H.R. 365 on February 8, 2007 and the Senate cleared it on December 11, 2007.  Gordon authored this bill in an effort to assist state and local authorities in cleaning up the scourge of methamphetamine use and production in their local communities.

Read more about this investigation »
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Science Education and You

CMF Gold Mouse Award 2007


 STEM ED    Water    ARPA-E    NASA    FutureGen    ATSDR    NASA IG    Health IT    E-waste    SBIR/STTR    Ocean Acidification    International Science Cooperation    DOE    Science Funding    NIST    OIRA    NextGen    NITRD    Competitiveness    Transportation    Nanotechnology    NOAA    Climate    Greenhouse Gas Emissions    Clean Coal    Weather Satellite System    Biofuels    Aviation    Energy    Transparency    Forensic Science  
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