Table 3,,, Comparison of NHTS Trip Estimates to Other Travel Data,,, ,Monthly average pre-9/11 period (Mar. 2001-Sept. 11 2001),"Monthly average post-9/11 period (Sept. 12, 2001 - May 2002)",Percent change Vehicle Miles Traveled,,, Actual,242.3,225.1,-7.1 Forecast in absence of 9/11,242.3,225,-7.2 NHTS Personal Vehicle Trips (millions.) ,,, Estimated,201.8,181.2,-10.2 Air RPM (millions.),,, Actual,63.1,46.4,-26.4 Forecast in absence of 9/11,63.1,58.1,-7.8 NHTS Air Trips (millions),,, Estimated,18,14.1,-21.7 Rail RPM (millions.), ,, Actual,508.3,439.1,-13.6 Forecast in absence of 9/11,508.3,436.4,-14.1 NHTS Train Trips (millions.),,, Estimated,1.7,1.6,-5.5 NHTS Bus Trips (millions.),,, Estimated,5.1,4.5,-12.1 "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics.",,, "NOTE: Shaded difference not significant at a 0.05 level. Pre- and Post-9/11 monthly estimates of VMT are prorated for the NHTS survey overlap months of March, April, and May 2001 and 2002, using NHTS pre-and post-9/11 datasets. The weights for the overlap months are calculated using the proportion of trips taken in those months from the pre-and post-9/11 datasets. September 2001 is prorated using 0.33 for the pre-9/11 weight, and 0.67 for the post-9/11 weight",,,