Seal of the Office of Government Ethics

I.    Introduction    
II.   Conflicts of Interest

III.  Impartiality

IV.  Gifts from Contractors

V.   Seeking Employment

VI.  After You Leave

VII. Joining the Government

VIII. Where to Get Help




Man bribing a police officerConflicts of Interest

As we just said, you hold your position as a public trust. This means that you must perform your official duties without regard to any private gain. To ensure public confidence in your work, ethics laws prohibit you from having financial conflicts of interest.

Generally, you may not work on a Government matter that will affect your financial interests, or the financial interests of:

• your spouse or minor child
• your general partner
• an organization you serve as an officer, director, trustee, general partner or employee, or
• a person with whom you are seeking employment or have an arrangement for future employment.

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      Working with Contractors