Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version
Journal of Transportation and Statistics - Volume 8, Number 3

Journal of Transportation and Statistics
Volume 8 Number 3

ISSN 1094-8848

NOTE: The views presented in the articles in this journal are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. All material contained in this journal is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without special permission; citation as to sources is required.

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Table of Contents File Formats
Entire Report
Editorial Board
Front Matter
Introduction to the Special issue on the 2001 National Household Travel Survey
Figure 1 - Concerns about the Quality of Transportation Services: 2001
Figure 2 - Percentages of Travelers Indicating a Significant Transportation Problem
Figure 3 - Minutes Spent Driving per Day
Paper 1 - Assessment of 2001 New York State NHTS Add-On Data Using Empirical and Auditable Data Sources by Nathan Erlbaum
Table 1 - Total Travel by Residents, Business, and Vehicles
Table 2 - Comparison of Survey and MTA Estimates of Transit Trips
Table 3 - Comparison of Survey Estimates for Subway Ridership with Actual System Statistics
Table 4 - Census Estimate of Workers and Worker Imputation
Table 5 - Census and NHTS Estimates of Workers
Table 6 - NHTS Worker Question Categories
Table 7 - Census and "Question-Equivalent" NHTS Workers
Table 8 - New York State DMV-Licensed Drivers vs. NHTS Drivers, by Gender
Table 9 - New York State DMV Registrations vs. Census and NHTS Vehicles Available in Households
Figure 1 - Monthly Vehicle-Miles of Travel (VMT) Estimate
Figure 2 - Temporal Distribution of Monthly Vehicle-Miles of Travel (MVMT)
Figure 3 - Average 2001/2002 and 1995/1996 Statewide Vehicle-Miles of Travel (VMT) Temporal Distribution
Figure 4 - Survey of Statewide Vehicle-Miles of Travel (VMT)
Figure 5 - Heating Degree Days
Figure 6 - Population Weighted Snowfall Adjusted for Impact on Propensity to Travel
Figure 7 - Understanding Main Mode and Access and Egress Mode Change Relationships with Respect to Access and Egress 1-5 Coding
Paper 2 - Bayesian Approaches to Learning from Data: Using NHTS Data for the Analysis of Land Use and Travel Behavior by Marco G. Scuderi and Kelly J. Clifton
Table 1 - Number of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) as Function of the Number of Nodes (G)
Table 2 - Variable List
Table 3 - Summary of Model Runs
Table 4 - A Sample Conditional Probability Table (Version 1)
Table 5 - A Sample Conditional Probability Table (Version 2)
Table 6 - A Sample Conditional Probability Table (Version 3)
Figure 1 - Serial Connections (A), Diverging Connections (B), Feedback Loop (Cyclic Graph)
Figure 2 - Model Runs at the Tract and Zip Code Level
Figure 3 - Decision Trees and Details of Probabilities of Mode Choice as a Function of Road Density, Income, and Percentage of Commercial Uses
Paper 3 - A Closer Look at Public Transportation Mode Share Trends by Steven E. Polzin and Xuehao Chu
Table 1 - Summary of NHTS 2001 Mode Share Adjustments
Table 2 - Comparisons of Various Survey Estimates of Public Transportation Mode Share
Table 3 - Omnibus Household Survey Transit Use Results
Table 4 - Work Travel Usual vs. Actual Mode Choice Percentages
Figure 1 - Transit Ridership Trends
Figure 2 - National VMT Trends
Figure 3 - Rates of Change in Transit Ridership and Vehicle-Miles of Travel (VMT)
Figure 4 - Person-Miles of Travel (PMT) Trends for Vehicles and Public Transit
Figure 5 - PMT-Based Transit Mode Share
Figure 6 - Transit Mode Share Trends—Survey Data
Paper 4 - Built Environment and Nonmotorized Travel: Evidence from Baltimore City Using the NHTS by Felipe Targe and Kelly J. Clifton
Table 1 - Data Description and Summary Statistics
Table 2 - Estimated Poisson Models for Number of Walking Trips and Estimated Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Model for Share of Walking Trips
Table 3 - Marginal Effects for Predicted Probabilities of Poisson Model 3
Figure 1 - Surveyed Households in the 2001 NHTS Baltimore Add-On Sample
Figure 2 - Frequency of Walking Trips on the Reported Day of Travel
Figure 3 - Predicted Probabilities for Frequency of Walking Trips to Changes in Street Network Connectivity
Figure 4 - Predicted Probabilities for Frequency of Walking Trips to Changes in Land-Use Mix Diversity
Paper 5 - Using Bayesian Updating to Enhance 2001 NHTS Kentucky Sample Data for Travel Demand Modelling by Bing Mei, Thomas A. Cooney, Niels R. Bostrom
Table 1 - Kentucky Add-On Sample Allocation
Table 2 - All-Purpose Average Household Person-Trip Rates
Table 3 - Average Household Person Trip Rates by Purpose (All Area Types)
Table 4 - Average Household Person Trip Rates by Purpose (Urbanized Area)
Table 5 - Average Household Person Trip Rates by Purpose (Urban Cluster)
Table 6 - Average Household Person Trip Rates by Purpose (Rural Area)
Table 7 - Average Trip Lengths by Trip Purpose
Table 8 - Add-On Sample Average Person Trip Rates by Trip Purpose by Area Type
Table 9 - Add-On Sample Average Trip Lengths by Tryp Purpose (in minutes)
Table 10 - Comparison of Updated and Observed Trip Rates for Urban Clusters
Table 11 - Comparison of Updated and Observed Trip Rates for Rural Areas
Table 12 - Comparison of Updated and Observed Average Trip Lengths
Figure 1 - Kentucky Add-On Sample Locations
Paper 6 - Using National Data to Simulate Metropolitan Area Household Travel Data by Peter R. Stopher, Stephen P. Greaves, and Min Xu
Table 1 - Categories Used for Selected Trip Purpose Distributions
Table 2 - Categorization Scheme for Travel Mode Simulation (in percent)
Table 3 - O'Fallon and Sullivan's Classification of Tours
Table 4 - Proposed Tour Classification for Simulation
Table 5 - Count of Tours from NHTS by Simplified Types
Figure 1 - Overview of the Approach
Figure 2 - Distributions for Simulating Home-Work Trips
Figure 3 - Distributions for Simulating Mode of Travel for Home-Work Trips
Figure 4 - Distributions for Simulating Mode Using an Updated Sample of 300 Households (Sydney)
Paper 7 - Travel Surveys: Methodological and Technology-Related Considerations by Joy Sharp and Elaine Murakami
Table 1 - Comparison of Four Designs for Passenger Travel Surveys
Table 2 - Alternative Sample Frame Designs
Table 3 - Description and Comparison of Data-Collection Methodologies
Reviewers for 2005
Index to Volume 8
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