with arrowhead department of the interior


image of the Jefferson Memorial with cherry blossoms in foregroundSee For Yourself
  • Check out National Park Week events across the country
  • Stroll beneath the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, DC.
  • Visit places where history was made with Our Shared Heritage travel itineraries.
  • Celebrate National Park Week!
    Learn more about your 391 national parks and the rest of the National Park Service's mission during National Park Week, April 18-26.

    Inside Story
    President Obama on national parks
    President Obama speaking at the Department of the Interior building
    Ghosts of Freedom: Ellis Island 's Living Legacy
    image of the Statue of Liberty
    Working at Chaco
    Chaco Culture National Historic Park Ranger
    historic image of Harry Yount
  • Isabelle Story - first writer
  • Harry Yount - first ranger
  • Jesse Nusbaum - first archeologist
  • image of park ranger wildlife biologist Sarah Stock
  • Sarah Stock - wildlife biologist
  • Bret Meldrum - social scientist
  • Jun Kinoshita - fire archeologist
  • Martin Hutten - botanist
  • Image of African American park ranger embracing youngster



    Investing in Future Leaders

    image of students working in a hands-on park learning center

    For Teachers

    image of three children embracing while enjoying a national park

    For Kids

    historic photo of the Radio Free Alcatraz all prisoner orchestra


    image of a painting of Joseph Brant


    historic photo of a park ranger standing at wall on dirt Going-to-the-Sun Road

    black and white image of the Blue Ridge Parkway with wall overlooking valley


    Learn More
    did you know text with green bar
    historic image of Park Ranger Gerald Ford
    Gerald Ford is the only U.S. President who was also a national park ranger. The Alexandria, Virginia, home he and Betty built in 1955 and lived in with their family until he became President on August 19, 1974, is a National Historic Landmark.
    history & culture