Realty & Natural Resouces
Alaska Region   

Water Resources

Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge

Tetlin NWR stream discharge data
Six stream gaging stations were installed on the Tetlin Refuge during the 2005 water year to quantify the occurance and distribution of surface water. Preliminary data are available on request. The river gage map shows the distribution of streamflow gage sites on the Refuge. Detailed location information and photos of waterbodies near each gage site can be reviewed by clicking on the highlighted river in the table below.

Tetlin NWR Water Quality Data
The water quality study occurs in conjunction with operating stream gages. Physical and chemical characteristics are assessed in Refuge waterbodies to establish baseline data sets. Emphasis is placed on ultra-clean sampling methods. Field measurements are recorded and samples are collected and analyzed several times each year. Water quality assessment began in 2005 on Desper, Gardiner, and Scottie Creeks. Uninterpreted data may be made available to the public before publication. Water quality data will be published after the conclusion of the hydrologic investigation.

Last updated: September 4, 2008

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