Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library
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  Gerald R. Ford
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Gerald R. Ford Library & Museum  

Gerald Ford Historical Photographs, 1916 - 1919

President Gerald R. Ford was the son of Leslie Lynch King and his wife Dorothy Ayer Gardner, who divorced soon after the birth of their only child. Their son was known as Leslie Lynch King, Jr., until his mother married Gerald R. Ford, Sr. in 1916, after which he went by the name Gerald R. Ford, Jr.

Please click on photographs below to see larger images.

H0005-1. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. 1916.
H0005-1. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. 1916.

H0016-1. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. sits on a donkey while his mother, Dorothy Gardner, steadies him. 1916.
H0016-1. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. sits on a donkey while his mother, Dorothy Gardner, steadies him. 1916.

H0016-4 and H0020-2. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. holding a toy boat, poses for portrait; wearing sailor cap, standing on sand, painted backdrop of palm tree, steamship, and airplane in flight, in background. 1916.
H0016-4 and H0020-2. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. holding a toy boat, poses for portrait; wearing sailor cap, standing on sand, painted backdrop of palm tree, steamship, and airplane in flight, in background. 1916.
H0029-4. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. standing on front walk of a house. 1916.
H0029-4. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. standing on front walk of a house. 1916.
H0027-3. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. poses with his pet Boston Terrier. 1916.
H0027-3. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. poses with his pet Boston Terrier. 1916.
H0017-3. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. with Billy Young in St. Petersburg, FL. 1917.
H0017-3. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. with Billy Young in St. Petersburg, FL. 1916.

H0019-1. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. 1917.
H0019-1. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. 1917.
H0040-3. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. 1918.
H0040-3. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. 1918.

H0019-3. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. (back row, center) poses with friends at an unidentified gathering. 1918.
H0019-3. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. (back row, center) poses with friends at an unidentified gathering. 1918.
H0019-2 and H0067-14. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. poses with his half-brother Tom Ford. 1919.
H0019-2 and H0067-14. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. poses with his half-brother Tom Ford. 1919.
H0020-3. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. and his cousin Gardner James sit on the steps of an unidentified house. 1919.
H0020-3. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. and his cousin Gardner James sit on the steps of an unidentified house. 1919.

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