Table A-1: Time Series Characteristics of TSI Data Components,,,,,,,,,, Mode,ARIMA model,Moving seasonality?,MCD1,Model2: additive or multiplicative?,Trading days (TD) & Holidays (H)3 ,,,,, Rail passenger,(011) (011),No,5,M,No TD; all H,,,,, Rail freight,,,,,,,,,, Carloads,No valid model yet,No,5,A,"TD, No H",,,,, Intermodals,(011) (011),No,3,A, No TD; Easter & Thanksgiving,,,,, Trucking,(011) (011),No,3,A,TD; Easter ,,,,, Waterborne,(011) (011),No,12,A,TD; No H,,,,, Transit,(011) (011),No,4,A,TD; No H,,,,, Aviation,,,,,,,,,, Freight,(011) (011),No ,3,M,TD and Easter & Thanksgiving,,,,, Passenger,(011) (011),"Yes, at 1% level",4,M,"No TD, All 3 H",,,,, Pipeline,,,,,,,,,, Natural gas,(012) (011),No,7,M,TD; No H,,,,, Petroleum,(011) (011),No,5,M,"TD, No H",,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics,",,,,,,,,,, 1 MCD=Months to cyclical dominance. 3 months is normal for the trend to equal and surpass the irregularity; higher than 3 shows irregularity too high.,,,,, 2 M=Multiplicative Model A=Additive Model,,,,, "3 TD=Trading Days, H=(Moving) Holidays: Easter, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving. Beginning January 27, 2005, Thanksgiving uses -3 for value, Easter is set at 2 for Trucking; otherwise, equals 7; Labor Day is always set at 4.",,,,,