Profiles of Successful Schoolwide Programs - December 1998

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Secondary Schools

New Opportunities for Secondary Schools

King Middle School
Preparing Students for Real-World Experiences
Gompers Secondary School
Achieving a World-Class Standard in a Safe, Culturally Diverse Setting

New Opportunities for Secondary Schools

The 1994 reauthorization of ESEA placed a priority on serving the highest-poverty schools, regardless of grade level. As a result, secondary schools can use funds from ESEA and other federal and state initiatives to upgrade academic programs and link them to school-to-work and vocational opportunities. Secondary schoolwide planning can blur the lines across grades, departments, and subject areas to offer multi-disciplinary instruction in collaboration with local businesses and education institutions. These collaborations tear down the walls that divide the school and the community and establish relationships and activities where secondary students can:

*Concentrate on building high-level academic and technical skills
*Learn actively in an expanded range of cognitive and career areas
*Work with teachers in small learning communities, such as schools within schools
*Receive personal support from college or adult mentors
*Use technology to enhance learning and develop workplace skills
*Obtain information on careers and postsecondary education and training
*Prepare early for college and careers by forming ties with businesses and postsecondary institutions


[ A Standards-Based, Arts-Integrated
Schoolwide Curriculum ]
[ Table of Contents ]
[ Preparing Students for Real-World Experiences ]