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Countermeasures – Combating Fraud and Theft

USPS OIG Investigations

The Countermeasures Division is creating a unique concept to traditional law enforcement. Partnering with field agents who identify criminal schemes that attack or defraud the U. S. Postal Service, Countermeasures will be developing remedies and prevention programs to counteract these schemes.

Headquarters specialists and field counterparts will be looking at the schemes and trying to develop countermeasures that could prevent this type of crime in the future. These countermeasures will be in line with the OIG’s mission to prevent waste, fraud and abuse against assets of the U.S. Postal Service.

An example of an innovative crime prevention approach was undertaken by the OIG’s Denver Field Office and the Postal Service’s Colorado/Wyoming District Injury Compensation and Control Office. The team produced a DVD entitled “Workers’ Compensation Fraud – Somebody’s Watching,” which focused on the negative impact on the Postal Service of fraudulent compensation claims. The presentation reached approximately 14, 423 employees of the District in September 2006.